In The Morning [Chibs Telford]

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A hefty yawn slips past [Y/N]'s lips as she shoulders open the front door and stumbles into pitch black, "Come on Chibs, you could have left a light on."

Quietly she closes the front door, makes sure to lock it and slinks along the wall to the kitchen. Nimble fingers search through the dark for the counter and once she finds it she drops her work belongings on it and makes her way to their shared room. Toeing the bedroom door open she creeps inside in an attempt to not wake her Old Man.

[Y/N] uses a few rays of the moonlight trickling through the blinds to find an old t-shirt before stripping down to the bare minimum-old shirt and panties. Gently she pulls back the comforter and slips in, her head hitting her pillow as an audible sigh slips out.

She feels Chibs shift around ever so slightly so that he could drape his arm around her waist and bury his face in the back of her neck, "If you can't sleep lass, we could always have sex."

"Baby, as fun as that sounds I haven't slept in ages and i'm exhausted," [Y/N] mumbles softly, "however, tomorrow morning isn't out of the question."

Chibs is quiet for a few seconds then replies with a hearty chuckle, "Oh boy, now I can't wait."

"You're gonna have to love," she replies softly as sleep overcomes her as she falls asleep in her Old Man's arms.

"Fine, it's always better when we're both well rested anyhow." He mumbles softly as [Y/N]'s soft breathing reaches his ears.

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