Preg-oops [Happy Lowman]

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One right after another the stomach cramps kept rolling right through the pit of Happys belly. His only response was to grip the handlebars of his bike tightly and keeping on rolling home. In the back of his mind he also makes a mental note to never eat from that one damned food truck.

As he pulls into the driveway he skids to a stop and quickly hops off his bike not bothering to take his helmet off. In a hurry he flings open the front door, breezes past [Y/N] who shoots him a questioning look before locking himself in the hallway john. After practically ripping his belt and pants in half he settles down ready to bring forth hell, but his body grinds to a halt when his eyes land on an empty box.

"What the..." Happy mutters as he fumbles around with the box, once he has it in hand his eyes scan over the pregnancy test box, "oh."

With a low grunt he forces himself to stand up, yank his pants back into a semi-normal position and march out of the bathroom, "[Y/N]?"

"Kitchen," [Y/N] replies as Happy sluggishly moves into the kitchen brandishing the empty pregnancy test box, "everything okay babe?"

"Was it positive?" Happy questions as he drops the box on the counter. Her eyes drift away from the stove to the box as a smile spreads across her face.

"And if I say yes?" She questions back as Happy grips the counter trying to keep himself together.

"Then we will celebrate properly once i'm done in the bathroom." He replied before sprinting back down the hallway. [Y/N] laughs softly before rummaging around into the cabinet for some relief for her Old Man.

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