I Got You [Jax Teller]

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What started out as a simple friendship in grade school would eventually blossom into a full blown relationship on down the road. Of course, that friendship wouldn't have existed if [Y/N] hadn't clotheslined and beaten the mess out of a bully chasing Jax Teller all those years ago. Sure their relationship took a few blows here and there-a minor slip up with an old girlfriend- but in the end the two of them always made sure to have each others back. So when things start to hit the fan in a not so pleasant way [Y/N] makes it known that she's there for whenever he needs her.

Case in point the day Jax smuggles some of his brothers in through the basement because they need a place to lay low for a while. Sure she's pissed, but it's mainly because she hasn't had a chance to go grocery shopping and she knows she doesn't have enough food for them all.

"You're pissed, I can tell." Jax murmurs as he gently pulls her along the hallway to their bedroom, "It's pretty much written all of your face baby."

"Jax, I'm not pissed because you brought family home I'm pissed because you didn't give me a heads up. Now I have to scrape together a scratch meal because I haven't done any shopping." [Y/N] replies with a huff, her hands landing on her hips as she stares at him. Jax blinks a couple of times obviously trying to wrap his head around what she is saying and ends up laughing. His laughter becomes contagious and soon enough [Y/N] is falling into it as well, slowly but surely they stop and Jax pulls her into his chest.

"Baby, out of all the things you can be worried about you're worried about food?" Jax mutters while kissing the top of her head.

"Yes Jackson, food is important." She replies as someone knocks softly at the partially closed bedroom door. [Y/N] glances over her shoulder to find Juice poking his head through the door with an amused smile on his face.

"Not to break up the party, but we're trying to decide where to sleep." he states while glancing between the too, "and I think Bobby might be raiding the fridge."

[Y/N] sighs before pulling away from Jax and walking over to their closet, "Hope you boys don't mind sleeping on the floor. I'll do my best in regards to blankets and pillows but I don't have enough beds to go around."

"That'll be fine, you're taking a huge risk by housing us anyway." Juice replies before both he and Jax disappear out of the room and back down the hall. [Y/N] pulls down every blanket she has and marches them out to the boys who are waiting patiently in the living room. She passes them off to Chibs who graciously takes them as she sets off to find any extra pillows that litter the house from time to time. After what seems like forever she manages to collect enough bedding for the lot and sets off working on something for dinner.

[Y/N] throws together whatever she can find in the cabinets, freezer and fridge and manages to make a decent stew that the boys just can't get enough of. Once things are tidied up she cuts the kitchen light out and slips into the living room where Jax is in deep discussion with his brothers. He looks up and over to her but she just waves at him and motions towards the bedroom before slipping down the hallway. Over the next few days she repeats the same thing as the boys try to figure out how everything is going to work, when it gets a little too much for her to handle she just steps out. Besides, Abel deserves a little time with his grandmother and well [Y/N] likes to slip away to the nail salon.

As she exits the salon and makes her way to her car she's cut off by none other than the sheriff. [Y/N] tries to step around him and get into her car but he mimics her movements preventing her from doing so.

"Sheriff, if you don't mind I'd love to oh I don't know get in my car." [Y/N] says as she looks him square in the face.

"Where's Jax?" Eli asks bluntly, his eyes locking with hers.

[Y/N] chuckles softly cutting her eyes away from the man and over to the group of civilians standing a few feet away, "To be quite honest Eli, I have on fucking clue where he's at. It's not like I keep a daily journal of what he and the club are up to, besides we're not on the best of terms either."

"That's not what i'm hearing [Y/N], my sources have been telling me that you and Teller are still very much on good terms. So good in fact that the two of you recently moved in together." Eli replies as he nonchalantly leans against her car, "now where is he?"

"I don't know how many times I've got to tell you Eli, I don't know shit. Now if you'll excuse me I need to go pick up Abel, unless you're going to haul me back to the station in cuffs." [Y/N] spits back at him her patience now wearing thin. Eli huffs and pushes off of her car he gives her one more look before stepping to the side to let her climb in which she does. She goes to put the car in reverse, but is stopped when Eli knocks on the drivers side window which she rolls down.

"I'm not going to haul you away in cuffs yet, but if I find out that you're aiding abetting Teller or any of his crew I will make a scene and drag your ass to the station." Eli replies before walking away from her car and back to his cruiser. [Y/N] shakes her head angrily before pulling out of the parking lot and heading over to Gemma's to pick up Abel. She manages to avoid an interrogation from Gemma and quickly gathers up the things she needs and heads home to Jax.

Once at home she bypasses the boys in the living room and heads straight to Abels where she manages to put him down for a nap quicker than normal. She doesn't hear Jax when he enters the room and nearly jumps out of her skin when he wraps his arms around her waist.

"Easy baby, what's got ya so rattled?" Jax questions as he pulls her into his chest.

"Eli is looking for you guys, pretty much stopped me in the daylight hours and demanded that I hand you over." [Y/N] replies in a low voice, her nerves and patience fried.

"I'm sorry baby, it looks like you've got a bad man on your hands." Jax states as he presses a soft kiss on her forehead, "i'm sure you didn't budge and told him you knew nothing."

"Damn straight, I've got your back Jax Teller and I truly don't know anything." [Y/N] replies as the two of them break out into a soft laughter trying not to wake Abel, "and you're not a bad man, you're a good man trying to right the bad in this town."

"Thank you." Jax replies as a soft cry catches both of their attentions.

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