New Beginning [Happy Lowman]

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The sound of marbles rolling around on the hardwood floor catches [Y/N]'s attention which pulls her away from the kitchen. As she walks into the foyer she finds her son quickly covering up some marbles with the rug in a sloppy attempt to hide them.

"What are you up to young man?" [Y/N] questions which causes him to jump and spin around to look at her.

"Nothing." [Y/S/N] replies as he kicks a few marbles out of sight as a smile spreads across her face.

[Y/N] sighs softly and walks over to him before kneeling down to be at eye level with him, "Sweetheart, Happy is a good man there's nothing to be worried about."

"I know, but I just want to protect you." He replies softly before stepping forward to embrace her in a hug. She returns the hug before spinning him around towards the rug silently indicating that he needs to clean up his mess.

"Pick all of them up and then go wash your hands, dinner's almost ready." [Y/N] states as she stands back up and moves back to the kitchen. Just as she places the last item on the table [Y/S/N] rounds the corner wearing a very deviant smile. She brushes it off and pulls out his chair for him just as a motorcycle pulls into the drive and shuts off.

[Y/N] pushes her sons chair back in before walking over to the front door to greet Happy. Unbeknownst to her [Y/S/N] quickly unscrews the cap of the salt shaker and shakes some into Happy's tea glass. He replaces the cap but doesn't tighten it hoping Happy will use it on his food to add to the chaos.

[Y/N] opens the door just as Happy reaches the porch, "Hey you, come on in."

"Hey yourself." Happy states as he pauses in front of her in order to press a soft kiss on her forehead. [Y/N] smiles softly and closes the door behind her once Happy makes his way inside. Happy shrugs off his kutte before following her to the dining room where [Y/S/N] is sitting quietly. She walks up behind [Y/S/N] and plants a gentle kiss on top of his head before taking a seat across from him.

"[Y/S/N], you remember Happy right?" She questions as Happy sits down between the two of them.

"Yes ma'am, it's good to see you again Mr. happy!" [Y/S/N] replies in a chipper manner peeking [Y/N]'s suspicion.

"It's nice to see you again as well." Happy replies softly as [Y/N] begins serving the food. While she passes around the plates and bowls Happy takes a sip of his drink and his face screws up as the saltiness hits him.

She watches closely unsure of what's going on until she hears laughter coming from across the table. Her [e/c] eyes land on [Y/S/N] who instantly falls silent and begins shoving food into his mouth as Happy clears his throat. After a few awkward moments of silence Happy suddenly bursts out in laughter which soon coaxes [Y/N] into laughing.

"Y-you're not supposed to be laughing!" [Y/S/N] shouts while looking back and forth between the two of them, "no, you're supposed to get angry and storm out."

"But it's funny, i'm actually a prankster myself." Happy states while patting him on the back, "we're gonna be great friends."

"Just don't hurt my mom, she has already been through too much." He mumbles lowly while staring down at his plate.

Happy sighs softly before swiveling in his chair to face [Y/S/N], "I'd never hurt her, I love her too much to do that."

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