Snooping [Jax Teller]

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Day Ten of My Annual 25 Days of SOA
It's not unusual for [Y/N] to get all of her Christmas shopping done months in advance, it's just way easier in her opinion. The hard part is keeping everyone away from her hidey holes without being suspicious and giving anything away. She's moved things several times already thanks to Jax becoming oh so clever and catching on to what's hidden.

So of course it doesn't surprise her at all to find Jax and Abel working hand in hand in the pantry. She doesn't say a word when she walks into the kitchen, instead she hops up onto the counter and waits patiently for them to realize she's there.

"Do you see anything buddy?" Jax asks Abel who's currently pushing around cereal boxes.

"No, just cereal." He replies in such a sad voice that makes [Y/N] clutch her chest, which only lasts for a couple of seconds. She quickly brushes the feeling off and puts on her tough mom face while picking a cookie out of the jar.

"Well I'd certainly hope that's all you'd find up there." She states loud enough to cause Jax to jump and slowly turn around to look at her.

"Hi mommy." Abel says with a sweet smile and a wave.

"Hey bud, you two hooligans aren't looking for gifts by chance are ya?" She replies while taking a bite out of the cookie in her hand.

"Nope, I don't know what you're going on about." Jax replies as he carefully lifts Abel up and off his shoulders, "know where I'd be able to find those gifts though?"

[Y/N] finishes off her cookie and slides down off of the counter as Abel rushes over to her, hugging her around the waist. She happily leans down and lifts him up by placing her hands underneath his arms.

"Yeah, under the tree on Christmas morning." [Y/N] replies before heading off to Abel's bedroom.

"That's no fair baby! You've got to at least give me a hint!" Jax calls after her, a smile beaming brightly on his face.

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