Caroling [Happy Lowman]

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Song books in hand [Y/N] looks over at Happy who's still lounging on the couch watching television. She walks behind the couch and positions herself behind him before dropping the books on his lap. Happy looks down at the the song books then up and over at her. 

"You're sick, we're not going caroling tonight." Happy states while turning his attention back to the television. [Y/N] huffs loudly before breaking out into a coughing fit they lasts for several seconds.

"I'm not sick, it's just allergies." She croaks out, her voice cracking from time to time.

"Bullshit babe, now go back to bed and I'll bring you something to snack on and some of your medicine." Happy states as she lets out a low whine and complies. She contemplates arguing with him but thinking against it she wanders down the hallway to the bedroom.

A few minutes after getting settled into bed Happy walks in with a bowl of soup and a bottle of cold medicine. He sets the bowl on the table next to her and hands her the bottle before turning the radio on to let christmas music flow through the room.

"There, that's the extent of your caroling for the night." Happy states as he climbs into bed beside her.

"Fine." [Y/N] says before downing some of the medicine, "thank you Hap."

"You're welcome baby girl." Happy says as he pulls her closer.

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