Father Figure [Chibs Telford]

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As soon as [Y/N] walks through her front door she kicks off her shoes, drops her keys in the bowl and makes her way to the living room. She drops down beside Chibs who's very engrossed in whatever's on the TV but aware that she's home. Without breaking eye contact with the TV he bends over and grabs her legs so that he can drape them across his lap.

"You didn't have to do that." She mumbles, her eyelids getting heavy from exhaustion. Chibs pats her legs before glancing over at her as a loving smile crosses his face.

"You've had a long day at work lass, rest up." Chibs says before returning his attention to the TV.

"Also, thank you for picking up [Y/D/N], hopefully she hasn't been too terrible for you." [Y/N] states, as she closed her eyes the noise from the TV edging her closer to sleep.

Chibs chuckles jostling [Y/N] in the process, "Oh no, she was perfectly fine. Still a little hesitant but she scribbled down that she wanted a snack and then ran back to her room."

"What? That's so funny." She replies with a small smile, "i'm hoping she comes around soon, you're so much better with her than he was."

"She'll come around sooner or later." Chibs replies just as the sound of feet reach their ears. Before [Y/N] can sit up to see where the sound was coming from [Y/D/N] hops up onto the couch and into her lap.

"Well hey you," [Y/N] says as she tucks a few lose strands of hair behind her daughters ear.

"Welcome home mommy!" She chirps before burying her face into [Y/N]'s chest in an attempt to hide from Chibs. [Y/N] laughs softly while hugging her closer to her body and before too long she's snoozing.

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