Board Games By The Fire [Juice Ortiz]

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Very carefully [Y/N] shifts the enormous box from one hand to the other as she fumbles with her keys, once the right key is found she unlocks the front door and shoulders it open. Once she's inside she kicks the door closed and drops the box off on the table as she takes notice that all of the lights are dimmed.

"Juice, you home baby?" She calls out while pulling her jacket off.

"Living room!" Juice replies in an almost over cheerful voice. A small smile creeps onto her face as she steps into the room, scented holiday candles are scattered about, the fireplace roars behind Juice who is dressed in a Santa hat and his favorite ugly sweater and two mugs of steaming hot chocolate sit off to the side. However, the huge stack of board games stacked on the coffee table is what truly catches her attention.

"What's all this?" [Y/N] questions as she drops her jacket on the couch before sitting down across from him.

He shrugs softly before replying, "I know Christmas is one of your favorite holidays and I also know you like board games and have the next few days off. So I thought why not have a little fun?"

"Fair enough, but I thought we had agreed on some of your video games this year?" She replies while swiping her finger through some of the whip cream that's topping one of the mugs. She slowly raises the finger to her mouth knowing full well that her Old Man was watching her every move, popping the finger in her mouth she sucks the goody off as Juice clears his throat.

"It's still early December so we have plenty of time."  Juice replies as a heavy blush settles in on his cheeks, "Now, Chutes and Ladders or Sorry?"

"Or how about Candy Land?" [Y/N] states as she pulls the box towards her.

"Okay, but no cheating this time." Juice replies causing her to chuckle.

"No promises." She says as she pulls the board and pieces out of the box.

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