Worry [Juice]

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Panic rushes through [Y/N] as yet another call to Juice ends up in the voicemail box, but that panic soon turns to rage as she closes her phone and flings it across the room. The cellphone strikes the wall across from her jarring the battery loose as it clatters to the floor.

"When I get my hands on that boy so help me," [Y/N] mumbles just as the doorbell chimes. Taking a deep breath she heads towards the front door, but stop shorts when she sees a very familiar face, one that she currently wants to smack.

In a hurry she yanks open the door coming face to face with Juice, "Where the hell have you been? Better yet, why the hell can't you answer your phone? I've been so worried Juice."

Juice doesn't respond, instead he crosses the threshold and pulls [Y/N] into a hug, "I know baby and I'm so sorry, I just-I just needed some time."

Her fingers grip his hoodie tightly as tears prick her eyes, "You had me so worried Juice, Chibs has been calling asking if you're okay."

"I know, I know and I'll fix that, but for right now it's about us." Juice states as he kicks the door closed and ushers [Y/N] to couch, never letting her go.

"I love you Juice," [Y/N] replies.

"I love you too," Juice replies as his eyes land on the dismantled phone, "is that your phone on the floor over there?"

"Yes, yes it is." She replies as Juice lets out a chuckle.

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