Sick [Happy Lowman]

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[Y/N] groans loudly and furiously kicks the covers away from her body in an attempt to bring her core temperature down. However, the moment the air hits her clammy skin she immediately pulls the covers back up to her chin cursing herself.

"So this is how it ends," she croaks out into the dark room, "febrile, snotty nosed and hacking up a lung."

She rolls over and pats the bed in search for her phone, instead her fingers brush over her sleeping lover. For a split second she debates wiggling her way over and curling up next to him, but decides not too due to the fever.

"Woman, if you don't go to sleep i'll make sure you can't walk straight for a week." Happy grumbles while rolling over to look at her a devious look dancing in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I can't get comfortable let alone breath through my nose." [Y/N] replies softly before burying her head in her pillow to cough. Happy tosses the covers off of himself before climbing out of bed and crossing the floor to the bathroom. After a few seconds of deep breathing to calm herself she looks over her shoulder at him as he turns the hot water on full blast.

Within a few moments the bathtub is full and Happy is walking back towards the bed, "Come on, let's get you cleaned up."

[Y/N] doesn't argue as her Old Man helps her out of bed, once in the bathroom he tugs off her night shirt as she pushes her panties to the floor. He ushers her into the tub, as she sinks into the hot water she lets out a content sigh.

"I'll be back, stay put." He grumbles before disappearing back into the bedroom. Ever so slowly she sinks further down into the tub before dipping her head under the water. She resurfaces just as Happy returns carrying a cup of tea and some cold medicine.

"Hap, you don't have to." She mumbles as he sinks down beside the the tub, "go get some sleep."

"You're sick and sound like your dying, now drink your tea and relax." He replies while passing her the meds.

"You're the absolute best Old Man anyone could ask for." She exclaims before downing the meds.

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