Wrapping Gifts [Chibs Telford]

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Day Five of my Annual 25 Days of SOA
With a heavy grunt [Y/N] dumps bag after bag of wrapping supplies onto the floor next to Chibs before returning once more to the hall closet to retrieve the gifts. As she walks back into the living room she can't help but notice the look Chibs is wearing which cracks her up and sends her into a fit of giggles.

"Is this everything?" he questions as she carefully sets the gifts down onto the floor beside him.

"I believe so, i've already wrapped yours and some of my families." she replies while absentmindedly organizing the gifts by size and who they're for, "I'm going to help love, i'm not going to just abandon you."

"I know." Chibs replies while begrudgingly grabbing some wrapping paper and a pair of scissors. The two of them fall into a comfortable silence and begin wrapping and the wrapping continues on for what seems like an eternity. After the second hour passes they both agree to take a break and return to the wrapping once they've put something into their stomachs, unfortunately [Y/N] gets caught up in a business call leaving Chibs by his lonesome.

Over the course of the phone call she can hear Chibs become frustrated, furious ripping of paper and cursing that even made her blush. The moment she hangs up the phone she enters the living room to find Chibs sitting proudly against the couch, feet crossed and beer in hand.

"Everything okay?" she asks as her attention is drawn to a particular present sitting in the middle of the floor. Now, this particular present was for both Thomas and Abel and of course it came in a weirdly shaped box so that meant wrapping it would be a challenge, or so she thought. The gift was wrapped in two different wrapping papers and taped everywhere, legitimately there was tape on every part of the thing.

"Yeah, everything's perfectly fine," The Scottish man replies as he shoots her a grin, "all of the gifts are wrapped and ready to go. By the way is there any chance tha I can know what my gift is?"

"No, no early gifts." [Y/N] replies as she kneels down to inspect the gift a little bit closer, "How much tape did you use Chibby?"

"All of it." he replies back in a quick manner catching [Y/N] off guard, "every last piece of fucking tape on that stupid shaped box."

"Well thank you for helping love, I owe you greatly since you fought vigorously against the box and won." she replies before falling down onto her knees and crawling over to where he's sitting, "now, what would you like for your prize, presents are off the table."

Chibs narrows his eyes at her before sitting his beer down and motioning for her to climb onto his lap, "I have some ideas, several ideas actually."
"We have all night sir." she chirps back with a smile while pressing a loving kiss onto his cheek.

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