Hey Handsome [Juice Ortiz]

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California summers typically bring nothing but heat and minimal clothing, but for [Y/N] it brings nothing but wetness. That's right, [Y/N] Lowman was thirsty as fuck for Juice, her big brothers friend and the man of her dreams. Deep down inside it wasn't just his body she was craving, to be honest it was everything.

On her free days [Y/N] finds herself folded up on the couch in Gemma's office with a nice view into the shop. Today's show includes Juice, shirtless sweating and looking like a fucking snack.

"Would you like my phone baby girl?" Gemma questions pulling [Y/N]'s attention away from Juice.

"Do what?" She replies feigning innocence the best she can, but failing miserably.

Gemma chuckles softly before replying while shuffling some papers, "Would you like my phone so that you can take a picture, which will last forever or you could always just oh I don't know talk to him."

[Y/N] chews on her bottom lip as her [e/c] eyes wander back over to her crush, "I don't know Gem, Happy is always chasing me away from guys associated with the club."

"Don't blame him, but Juice, he's a baby." Gemma replies while standing up and moving say from her desk, "the most he'll do is nibble."

"Right," She mumbles softly as Gemma steps out of the office and into the shop out of eyesight. [Y/N] lets out a low groan while running her hands over her face before falling backwards on the couch.

Some rustling nearby catches her attention and she turns her head to look only to get a full view of Juice's perfect ass. She curses under her breath as he turns to look at her wearing that perfect smile of his.

"Hey [Y/N], do you know where Gemma put the orders for today?" Juice questions as he leans against Gemma's desk, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Hey yourself handsome." [Y/N] replies as she sits up to look at him headon, "Not sure where the new ones are but, If you do me a favor, I'll help you out of your predicament."

"A favor huh?" Juice asks, his smile never wavering. [Y/N]'s heartbeat and breathing pick up as her hands become clammy, but it doesn't stop her from pressing on.

"Yeah, it's small, nothing much." She replies, "all you have to do is accompany me to the movies and a small dinner afterwards and I'll find those papers for you."

"Oh shit, all you had to do was ask [Y/N] no favor needed" Juice replies with a low chuckle, "besides, the only hiccup that may surface would be Hap."

[Y/N] sighs softly as she stands up from the couch, "Juice, all I have to do is bat my eyelashes and Hap gives in, most of the time that is. However, the only thing you have to worry about is making sure you don't hurt me."

"Oh, because he'll kill me?" Juice questions as [Y/N] reaches around him for a notepad tucked under some purchase requests.

"No, I'll kill you then he'll bring you back and repeat the process which will be worse." She replies while handing him the notepad, "tonight at seven, don't be late."

"Yes ma'am." Juice replies as she walks out of the office and into the shop where she meets up with Gemma. Juice taps the notepad against his other hand before nodding and jogging back into the shop excited for what's to come.

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