Another Baby [Jax Teller]

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A happy hum skips past [Y/N]'s lips as she thumbs through Charmings Sunday morning paper, suddenly a soft coo from her left demands her attention. She shifts her gaze from a semi-interesting article to the small infant sitting next to her, a smile breaks out across her face as she hands Thomas another piece of cereal before returning to her paper.

"Let's have another baby." Jax says offhandedly, never hesitating for a second.

[Y/N] stops reading and cuts her [e/c] eyes up at her soon to be husband, "Pardon?"

A knowing smirk slips across the young man's face as he stares her dead in the eyes,"I said, let's have another baby. You know, shake, rattle and roll. The hankey pankey. Shag."

"Okay Jackson, I get it! I get it!" She replies with a hearty laugh which in turn causes both of the boys to break out in laughter, "while I would love to have another beautiful baby with you, maybe now isn't the best time."

"Why not, we've got a big house with a nice sized yard. We've both got steady jobs, sortof. Abel will soon start kindergarten, Thomas daycare. Now is perfect!" Jax states as Abel clinks the plate in front of him with his fork in agreement.

[Y/N] tilts her head to the side and narrows her eyes, "You have a thing for the pregnant me don't you?"

"Don't know what you're talking about babe," he replies as he pushes the chair away from the kitchen table, "but uh, if you want to take me up on that offer, I'll be in the shower."

She watches as he walks off down the hallway, her eyes trailing over his perfectly shaped ass and the thought of another child looms greatly in her mind. Wadding up the paper she scoops up Thomas and ushers Abel from the table in hopes that she could have a quick moment with Jax.

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