Worth it? [Tig Trager]

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[Y/N] lets the phone slip through fingers, it bounces off of her leg and lands somewhere near her feet. The woman's laughter continues to echo through her head, hurt suddenly flips into blinding white anger. Without hesitation she puts her car into reverse and pulls out of the parking lot and speeds off towards the clubhouse.

She pulls her car up into the clubhouse parking lot, slams it into park and shuts it off before stepping out searching madly for her Old Man. Just as she makes her way toward the clubhouse Gemma slips out of the office and quickly makes her way over to her friend.

"Gem, where is he?" [Y/N] asks, anger rolling off of her in waves as tears prick at her eyes.

"Where's who Baby?" Gemma asks, knowing full well that Tig has obviously fucked up big time.

"I don't know if he's here or not baby, what happened?" Gemma questions as she pulls her over to one of the picnic tables.

Begrudgingly [Y/N] sits down and fiddles with the engagement and wedding ring on her left hand, "Some... Bitch called me from his phone and had the nerve to say that she'd been messing around with him for weeks now."

"He wouldn't..." Gemma says reassuringly just as the clubhouse door opens and a rather pretty woman steps out, adjusting her shirt as she does so. Finally the woman looks up and catches sight of the two and a huge ass grin breaks out across her face.

"Well I'll be damned, you actually came looking for him." She stares proudly with a laugh before walking off to her car.

[Y/N] doesn't stay anything to Gemma as she stands up from the table and walks towards the door. Pulling the door open she walks in and past the bar where several of the Sons are sitting making a beeline for the dorms. She kicked open the first dorm door that she comes to and finds a naked Tig lying on the bed with a cigarette in hand.

"Oh shit, baby it's not..." Tig says as he pulls the blanket up and around himself.

[Y/N] laughs shortly as she pulls the rings off of her finger, "I really hope she was worth it Tigger."

She tosses the rings on the floor at the foot of the bed and walks out of the room and back out to where Gemma is still sitting. Gemma makes note of the hurt in [Y/N]'s eyes as she placed a kiss on her cheek before heading back over to her car.

Gemma slips off of the picnic table and makes her way into the clubhouse ready to unleash hell on Tigger Trager.

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