Daddy Issues [Tig Trager]

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With one final thrust Tig spills his seed deep into [Y/N] before rolling off of her and onto his side of the bed. [Y/N] rubs her eyes angrily while trying to calm her heavy breathing and racing heart. Beside her she can hear Tig fish out a cigarette and strike the lighter, the smell of smoke wafting to her a moment later.

She sheepishly glances up at Tig only to quickly look away as butterflies erupt in her belly. He was like a drug that she just couldn't quit and she needed more of him, so much that she is willing to push for a relationship.

"Tiggy, why don't you stay for the rest of the day and maybe we'll go to the club together later on." [Y/N] mumbles lowly as she picks at her nails absentmindedly. The room is silent for what seems like forever until Tig throws the covers back on the bed and starts rummaging for his clothes on the floor. [Y/N] scrambles to sit up in bed, her voice lost as she watches him pull his pants up onto his hips.

Countless questions fly through her mind, but all of them are soon answered when he stops and looks at her. Tig opens his mouth and closes it as his brow furrows obviously trying to find the right words to say.

"W-what exactly do you think we are [Y/N]?" Tig asks while fastening his belt and tanning on his shirt, "because we're not some couple that does things together out in public, you're nothing but a late night snack. A quickie when there's no one else to bury my cock in for a few minutes."

Whatever she was going to say was quickly beaten into submission by his statement. She chews on the inside of her cheek as her eyes bore into the plain white sheet draped across her bare legs. Deep down inside she wants to bawl her eyes out, but at the same time she's hoping that he's just joking. She loves him and he must, no he has to love her he's just unsure of it all. That must be it, Tig is simply unsure and needs time to process his love for her.

[Y/N] is so wrapped up in her own mind that she doesn't realize that Tig has already left. She frantically scans the room hoping that he's in the bathroom but once she realizes that he's not there she fall backwards onto the bed. As the hours of the day tick by she finds herself glancing more than once at her phone wanting nothing more than a text or call. Of course neither one of those come over the next few days and she eventually convinces herself to go see him.

The next day following work she finds herself easing to a stop just outside of the clubhouse. From where she's sitting she can see the boys motorcycles and instantly spots Tigs. Something in the back of her mind tells her that it might not be a good idea to walk into the clubhouse, but a movement catches her eye. She can barely make out who they are, but she knows for a fact ones a crow eater and the other is Tig and they're all over one another. Her hand shoots for her phone but instead of picking it up she throws the car in drive and speeds into the parking lot.

She slams on the brakes and the car comes to a skidding halt right in front of the two individuals. However before she can climb out of the car she's forced back inside and over the console as Tig climbs in behind the steering wheel. Before [Y/N] is sure of what's happening the car is thrown into reverse and she's flung against the seat at the acceleration. After a few moments of trying to calm her heart rate she looks over at Tig who is focused on the road and gripping the wheel too tight.

"Baby, what's wrong?" [Y/N] mumbles out which causes Tig to slam on the brakes slowing the car down to a stop. She braces her hands against the dashboard in front of her and keeps herself seated as he bangs his hands against the wheel.

"Stop! Just stop that bullshit!" Tig shouts at her, "what part of fuck buddy do you not understand? I don't want a relationship with you, never have, never will. All I want is a tight hold to bury myself in when I need to unwind."

"Tig you don't mean that." [Y/N] replies as she gently lays her hand on his arm. He brushes her hand off angrily before climbing out of the car, before slamming the door closed he leans in, his eyes showing nothing but hatred.

"Don't you ever come round the clubhouse again. Don't call me. Don't even look for me. If I want something I'll come to you." Tig states before slamming the door shut leaving a very confused and fractured [Y/N].

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