Yours [Juice Ortiz]

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As soon as [Y/N] walks through the door of the crowded clubhouse Half-Sack is waving her over to the bar. For a few moments she hunts around for an empty barstool and finally finds one, in a flash she's claiming the seat.

"Hey [Y/N], what can I get for you tonight?" Half-Sack asks just a group of young adult women burst out into laughter next to them. [Y/N] waits patiently for them to calm down so that she can respond to his question only to get drown out by then once more. Finally he hops up onto the counter and leans far enough over so that he can hear her response.

"The usual, and a side of Juice if you've seen him tonight!" She shouts back as a smile spreads across his sun kissed face.

Half-Sack nods his head slides off the counter and retreats a few bar stools down to the cooler. The second he's got a beer in hand he makes a beeline back to where she's sitting and pops the top.

"This one's on the house since it's ladies night." Half-Sack states while sliding the bottle across the counter to her, "and your sweet baby boy is kind of being felt up by some crow eater."

[Y/N] spins around on her barstool and begins to scan through the thick sea of people. Her [e/c] eyes finally land on her Old Man and she nearly comes unglued at the horrendous sight. There, glued to Juice's arm is a scantily clad female-obviously looking to have a good time- with her chest forced up and out, face painted on making goo-goo eyes at him.

However, it wasn't the crow eater that pissed her off, oh no, it was the blatant audacity he had to flirt with her. [Y/N] nods her head while chewing on her bottom lip obviously coming up with a revenge tactic. A light bulb goes off in her head and she quickly takes a sip of her drink before searching out Chibs.

Finally she spots him at the other end of the bar and inches she downs the rest of her beer that's where she heads. Just as she nears where he's sitting a guy gets up and she quickly steals his barstool. Her sudden appearance obviously startles the Scott causing him to lean back some and stare at her.

"Aye lass, what have yea been up to?" Chibs questions as he spins the bottle on the bar.

"Nothing much, but I think the bigger question is why are you drinking by yourself tonight?" [Y/N] responds as Half-Sack slides another beer down the bar towards her which she graciously accepts.

Chibs shrugs some before replying, "No reason in particular. Shouldn't you and Juicy boy be off in a corner somewhere playing hanky-panky?"

"Well you see, there's this problem." she says while motioning to where Juice and the crow eater are standing, "She's not the problem you see, he's being the problem."

Chibs looks over to where she's pointing and nearly falls clean off of his barstool, "Is that dumbass asking to get hurt tonight?"

[Y/N] chuckles lowly at what Chibs says before leaning in close to him, "you see I would love to be off playing hanky panky with my man, but obviously i'm gonna have to get his attention."

"And how do you suggest we do that?" Chibs questions as he slowly picks up on what she's hinting at. A smile slowly spreads across her face as she gently placed her hand on his thigh, daring to creep higher. Before she can take the plunge her hand is ripped away from Chibs' thigh by Juice.

"What in the hell is going on here?" Juice growls out as roughly pulls her off the barstool.

"Nothin' just having a beer and chattin' with yer Old Lady." Chibs replied as a shit eating grin becomes plastered to his face, "no harm brother."

Juice doesn't say anything in response, instead he carefully drags [Y/N] through the crowd and outside. He doesn't stop there though, once outside he pulls her over to the garage. The two of them stop for a brief moment as Juice rummages around for something and before she can ask him anything he pulls her into Gemma's office.

Once they are inside the office Juice slams the door shut and pushes her roughly against it comin face to face with her.

"Hey baby, how are y-" [Y/N] is cut off by Juice roughly slamming his lips against hers in an angry, fiery kiss. A few moments later they part in desperate need of air, but before she can continue her question Juice is pulling off her top.

"Gonna wish you that thought ever crossed your mind." Juice mumbles as he discards her shirt somewhere behind him before working on her bra.

"Well it crossed yours!" [Y/N] hisses out as she palms the crotch of his pants, as his hardening cock presses against her palm, "two can play that game Juice."

Her bra is pulled off roughly allowing the cool air to lick at her bare chest, her nipples becoming hard. Juice hesitates for a moment before tanning his own shirt off and tossing it elsewhere. His hand slides up and along her naked abdomen, then her chest and finally settles around her neck.

Juice applies the slightest bit off pressure around her neck and her anger washes away only to be replaced with lust. [Y/N] knew immediately who she belonged too and she knew Juice was gonna make that real clear. Their eyes meet briefly before Juice starts to pepper her neck with kisses, taking his damned sweet time to get to her breasts.

"Now, you know damned well I'd never do that to you," Juice mutters as he flicks his tongue over one of her sensitive nipples. [Y/N]'s head lolls back against the door as a low groan slips past her lips as her breathing picks up.

"I know, I know." She finally mutters out as he repeats the same action to her other nipple.

"Good, now tell me [Y/N] who do you belong to?" He questions as he unbuttons and unzips her pants before dipping his fingers just under the hem of her panties. [Y/N]'s breath hitches in her throat wanting him to touch her core so badly. The grip on her throat doesn't loosen, but he continues to inch closer and closer to her already soaked pussy.

"You, Juice. You." [Y/N] cries out, craving some type of friction.

Juice stops advancing his hand and presses his lips right next to ear, "Who?"

"You daddy, I belong to you." She whispers harshly as Juice plunges two fingers into her achy and wet pussy. [Y/N] moans loudly as he starts to work her over avoiding her clit all together.

"That's what I thought." He states while pressing a kiss on her cheek.

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