Strange Noises [Happy Lowman]

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Authors Note: Trick or treat? Continue reading to find out!
Prompt: Why is there noise coming from our trunk?
When Happy asked to borrow the car earlier in the week [Y/N] didn't bat an eyelash and opted not to question him about it later on. She'd soon come to regret not questioning him when she rolls to a stop at a nearby stop sign and hears a few very loud groans. Her [e/c] eyes widen and she looks back and forth in front of the car making sure she didn't accidentally hit anyone in the crosswalk. Before she can ease off the brakes and roll forward there's a loud thump and muffled screaming coming from behind her.

"What in the hell is that?" She questions as she puts the car in park her eyes drifting from the highway behind her to the trunk of her car. A thought comes to mind but she laughs it off until another thump echoed through the car sending chills down her spine.

In a panicked manner she fumbles around the front seat looking for her phone, her eyes never leaving the trunk. Once she has her phone in hand she plugs in Happy's number and presses the phone up to her ear and waits for him to pick up.

"Everything okay?" Happy asks them moment the line is picked up.

"Uh, yeah, maybe. Hap, why are there strange noises coming from the trunk of my car?" [Y/N] replies, hoping Happy will tell her it's her imagination. In reality Happy is silent for what feels like an eternity and she's pretty sure she can hear him mumble a faint oh fuck.

After a few more excruciatingly silent moments Happy responds, "where are you at exactly?"

"A few minutes away from the garage, why?" [Y/N] questions as she slips the car into drive and eases away from the stop sign.

"Gonna take care of those weird noises for ya." Happy states as she only nods in agreement.

"Sounds great, see you in a few." [Y/N] replies before ending the phone call wanting to have somewhat of a normal day.

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