Ask Daddy [Jax Teller]

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Small, cold hands land on [Y/N]'s cheek rousing her from her light nap, "Yes Abel?"

"Mommy, i'm hungry will you make me a grilled cheese?" Abel questions as he climbs up on the bed and onto her chest, his head resting between her shoulders.

[Y/N] sighs deeply as Abel begins to play with her hair, "Where's daddy at?"

"I don't know." Abel replies with a giggle. With a smile she grabs ahold of his legs which causes him to wrap his arms around her neck and they both very carefully climb out of bed.

"Alright, let's get you a grilled cheese and find daddy." She states as the walk into the kitchen. Once Abel is sitting calmly at the kitchen table with coloring books and a glass of milk [Y/N] quickly puts together a grilled cheese and tosses it into the pan. Her tired eyes watch the food closely and she doesn't realize when the back door opens and Jax walks in.

He walks up beside her and places a light kiss on her cheek before pulling the spatula from her hand, "back to bed you go."

"Thank you," [Y/N] replies as she steps away from the stove, as she passed by Abel she kisses the top of his head and hurries back to bed. As soon as her head hits the pillow she's out cold and manages to sleep for a couple of more hours.

Around mid-afternoon childlike hands land on her cheeks again as a wet kiss lands on her nose. Her eyes flutter open and land on Abel who is smiling ear to ear.

"Yes my sweet angel?" [Y/N] questions as she wraps her arms around him

"Will you play hide and seek with me mommy?" Abel asks as he tugs on her cheeks some.

"Why not, go find daddy and tell him it's his turn to seek okay?" She replies as Abel climbs down and runs back off to who knows where. After a few moments she drifts back off to sleep until she feels the bed shift.

"Two rounds of hide and seek and he's out like a light." Jax mumbles as he snuggles close to her.

"Sounds about right Daddy." [Y/N] mumbles with a low chuckle. Jax laughs lightly before sighing deeply and settling in next to her.

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