Teddy [Happy Lowman]

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The Tacoma killer, he's supposed to be this big bad biker who has no problem doing the dirty work the club hands him. Hell, he even put on this charade pretending to be a churro vendor just to settle a disagreement between the Sons and the Mayans. Granted that charade ended in the death of a Mayan, the son of the president to be exact. Basically he's a hardened man that fears nothing, shows no emotions and has no teddy bear side to him or so everyone thinks.

What everyone doesn't know is that Happy does in fact have a soft side, but he only shows it to two people: his wife and daughter. Hell the club doesn't even know Happy is married or even has a child, he likes to keep it that way in order to protect them. But when some asswipe makes a move to hurt the families of the club Happy takes no chances.

"I need to go pick up someone." Happy blurts out to his brothers as they get ready to put the entire club on lockdown.

"Your mom?" Juice asks as they head over to their bikes in the parking lot.

"No, she's okay where she's at." Happy replies as he pulls on his helmet and climbs onto his bike.

Clay hums before motioning towards Juice, "take Juice, but I want you all back here in an hour do you understand?"

"Of course." Happy states as his bike revs to life, he glances over at Juice and the two of them peel out of the parking lot. Happy leads Juice a little outside of Charming to a small suburb where they come to a stop in front of a small two story home.

The two of them kill their bikes and flip the kickstands down before climbing off the bikes. Before Happy can make it up the driveway the front door swings open and a small child comes rushing forth.

"Daddy!" [Y/D/N] screams as she bum rushes Happy who quickly scoops her up and plants a kiss on top of her head.

Juice freezes on the spot unable to process the scene in front of him, "What?"

"Where's your mom at kiddo?" Happy questions as he slowly makes his way up to the house, he stops suddenly to look at Juice, "you coming?"

Juice shakes his head and sprints up to where Happy stopped, "You're married? And have a kid?"

"Well technically we're going to have three in a few months, but for now [Y/D/N] is our only one." A low feminine voice calls from the front door, "you must be Juice, Happy has told me a fair amount about you."

"Unfortunately he hasn't really been so forthcoming with us." Juice replies as the two of them come to a stop in front of [Y/N].

"Not surprising, that was our agreement after all but considering he brought you home tonight it must be serious." [Y/N] states as she opens the door wider so that they can come inside. Once the front door is closed Happy sets [Y/D/N] on the ground before placing a kiss on [Y/N]'s forehead.

Juice waves as [Y/D/N] before she takes off screaming into the living room. Happy and [Y/N] chuckle softly before moving towards the kitchen.

"Do you still have those go bags packed?" Happy questions as he begins to rummage around in the laundry room.

"Yes, what's going on Hap?" [Y/N] replies as Happy passes Juice a few handguns which causes her to frown deeply.

"Clay is putting the club on lockdown and all of the families are being brought in." Happy replies, their eyes locking.

She slowly sits down on one of the barstools as Juice heads back out to his bike, "Are we in danger Happy?"

Happy walks around to where she's sitting before placing a hand on her cheek, "Yes, now please grab the go bags baby and get your car. Juice and I will be right behind you okay?"

"Okay." [Y/N] replies before pressing her lips to the inside of Happy's wrist. She stands and slowly moves around him before heading to the hall closet to get the bags. Once the bags are in hand she rejoins Happy and [Y/D/N] at the car where he's strapping her into her car seat. Juice takes the bags from her hands and places them in the trunk as she climbs behind the wheel.

Happy comes up beside her startling her, "we will be right behind you baby okay?"

"Right."  [Y/N] replies as she carefully backs out of the driveway. The entire car ride to the clubhouse is filled with nursery rhymes sung by [Y/D/N] which eases [Y/N]'s panic. As soon as they are secured behind the gates of the clubhouse Happy is helping her out of the car as Juice collects [Y/D/N].

"Holy shit, he's got a kid." Tig shouts from under the awning attracting the attention of everyone near them.

"Well they know now." [Y/N] replies with a light laugh as [Y/D/N] struggles in Juices arms.

"Where's teddy?" She cries while reaching for Happy.

"Right here little one." Happy replies as he pulls her from Juice who gladly surrenders her and grabs their bags.

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