Frustrating [Tig Trager]

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Day Four of my annual 25 Days of SOA!
With an angry sigh [Y/N] continues to push the buggy down the aisle that's overstuffed with gaudy and unnecessary items being sold for gifts. But at the same time she feels hopeless when it comes to shopping for her main squeeze- Tig. For months and months she's asked Tig what he wants for Christmas and his answer has consistently been, "I'll get back to you."

But as the holiday draws closer and closer her patience starts to wear thin and almost becomes nonexistent. After one final glance down the aisle she shrugs her shoulders and heads towards the checkout with the few gifts she does have. Once her car is loaded down she cranks the Christmas music up and heads home hoping Tig is there waiting for her. Luck seems to be on her side because as she pulls into the driveway she spies his bike tucked neatly into the garage.

As she climbs out of the car she leans against the horn to signal that she's home and in response Tig pokes his head out of the house. With a soft smile she waves the curly haired man over to help with the bags that she's collected over the day.

"Did you buy anything special for me?" Tig questions as he makes his way over to grab a few of the bags.

[Y/N] freezes in place for a moment before breaking out into what seems like mad laughter, "Are you serious?"

Tig stops a few feet away from the door to look back over at her, "Yeah, i'm being very serious."

"No! But if you'd just tell me what you want for Christmas I'd have a better time shopping for you." [Y/N] replies as she slams the trunk closed before walking over to where he's standing. "So please baby, enlighten me as to what you'd like for Christmas."

"Hm, such a hard question to answer, let me think about it." Tig states before disappearing into the house leaving [Y/N] standing there shocked and pissed. Before walking into the house she closes her [e/c] eyes and takes a few calming breaths. She closes the front door with her foot and heads towards the dining room where she drops her bags on the floor and begins searching for the wrapping paper. All she wanted to do at this moment was distance herself from her frustrating lover and wrap some gifts.

Her plans were put on hold when she rounds the corner and finds Tig leaning against the kitchen table in deep thought. She quirks an eyebrow at his antics but decides to continue on with her plans, but Tig has other plans. As she goes to pass by him and grab some of the bags he catches her wrist and pulls her body into his.

"Tiggy I really need to wrap these." [Y/N] mumbles into his chest as Tig wraps his arms around her keeping her in place.

"But, I've figured out what I want for Christmas." Tig replies as he looks down at her, a cheesy grin pulling at the corners of his mouth.

"Oh really? Because you're nearly impossible to shop for, you know that right?" She quips back, her face remaining stoic as she desperately tries not to cave to his charm.

"I know, I know but you can't buy this from a store. It's so unique and rare that only one exists." Tig states as he places a chaste kiss on her forehead, "want to know what it is?"

"For the love of everything, yes!" She replies a little louder than she really meant to which earns her a hearty laugh from Tig.

"Okay, okay, it's you baby. All I want for Christmas is you." He replies softly with a loving a smile finally making an appearance. [Y/N] remains quiet for a moment as realization sets in, her cheeks burn a bright red as her fingers curl tightly into his shirt.

"You've already got me." She mumbles.

"Mm, yeah that's true but what if, now hear me out, what if you just surprise me by wearing a really big bow?" Tig questions which causes her cheeks to get even redder if that was possible.

"Don't push it." [Y/N] states as she attempts to bury her head in his chest.

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