Welcome Home Soldier [Juice Ortiz]

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Day Three of my annual 25 Days of SOA!

Author's Note: This is part two to Holidays Away.
As soon as she ends the video chat with Juice,  [Y/N] climbs down out of the humvee with bag in tow. With one final wave to her fellow soldiers she begins her jog across the tarmac to an awaiting plane that will take her home. After her paperwork is checked she's allowed to board the plane and take her seat where she takes a few moments to relax. However before the plane takes off she sends a quick text to Tara letting her know what time she'll be landing.

Over the course of the flight she mainly naps but when she's awake her mind drifts off to Juice and the excitement that awaits. An eternity later the pilot announces that they'll be landing soon and [Y/N] returns her chair to the upright position as they descend. Once the plane is docked [Y/N] stands up and pulls her bag down from the overhead compartment and falls in behind the others. The moment she steps into the crowded airport she spots her name on a vibrantly decorated poster board and heads directly to it. Before she can reach Tara she's enveloped in a huge bear hug and it takes her a moment to realize who it is- Gemma.

"I'm so glad you're back baby, Juice is gonna flip when he sees you." Gemma mumbles into [Y/N]'s war as she returns the bear hug.

"I can't wait to see him either but look at you two beautiful women!" [Y/N] chirps happily as she pulls away from Gemma and waves Tara over, "where's that precious bundle of joy?"

"Hanging with his dad at the clubhouse, but they're both so excited to see you." Tara replies as she pulls [Y/N] into a hug, "come on let's get you to your man."

"Sounds like a fantastic plan." [Y/N] states as the two women escort her out of the airport and over to Gemma's suv. Unbeknownst to her back at the clubhouse Tig and Chibs are keeping juice occupied out in the garage while the others set up the for a party. Gemma breaks a few traffic violations but the three of them end up back at the clubhouse in no time. Tara scopes out the parking lot before waving [Y/N] into the clubhouse where she's bombarded by so many hugs.

"Are you ready kid?" Clay asks as [Y/N] passes Thomas off to Tara who's wearing a huge grin.

"Yeah, let's do this." [Y/N] replies, her voice cracking ever so slightly. Jax gently places his hands on her shoulders and directs her to the middle of the room just out of eyesight of the door. He smiles at her before darting away from her so that she remains the center of attention.

[Y/N] can hear Juice way before she ever lays eyes on him and just his voice alone brings tears to her eyes. Then his goofy face comes into view and their eyes connect, for a split second he freezes on the spot and the next he comes barreling towards her. Juice wraps his arms around her and picks her up from the floor, twirling her around in the process. Cheers break out around them as tears and laughter emanate from both Juice and [Y/N].

"I'm so happy you're home, you could have just told me you were coming home." Juice mumbles into her ear as he nuzzles further into her neck.

"You didn't think I'd let you spend Christmas alone, did you? Besides I didn't want to ruin the surprise, I love you way too much to do that." [Y/N] replies softly as she wipes away a few stray tears, "we also have Tara and Gemma to thank for this."

Juice nods his head before pulling away to look at all of his brothers and their families, "thank you all so much, you don't know how much it means to have [Y/N] home and to have you all beside me."

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