Read The Polar Express [Jax Teller]

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With hands placed firmly on her  hips [Y/N] sighs softly as her eyes wander from one corner of the living room to the other. Now that the wrapping paper is out of the way she can move onto the kitchen and finally call it a night. As she turns around she comes face to face with Jax who is holding both Abel and one of his favorite books.

"He's very determined to make sure you read tonight." Jax states as Abel reaches over towards her. A small smile spreads across her face as she happily accepts his offer and wraps her arms around him.

"Okay, but we've got to be tucked into bed." [Y/N] replies as they head off towards Abel's room with Jax in tow, "did we brush our teeth and wash our face?"

Abel nods as he's sat down on his bed, "yes ma'am."

"Good, good. Now get comfy and we'll get started okay?" [Y/N] states as Abel pulls back his blankets and climbs under them with teddy in hand. Jax sits down behind her and wraps his arms around her waist while passing her the book.

"Here you go." He says before placing his chin on her shoulder.

"Alright, The Polar Express." [Y/N] says while opening the book and turning to the first page. Halfway through the book Abel falls asleep and the two of them sneak out of his room. Jax yawns and grabs her hand to pull her to bed as the day finally takes its toll on the two of them.

"Merry Christmas baby." Jax mumbles as he falls into bed fully clothed.

"Merry Christmas." She replies as she falls into bed next to him, "love you."

"Love you too," he mutters as the two of them fall into a deep sleep.

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