Childhood Crush [Opie Winston]

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With a happy hum [Y/N] slides the grilled cheese from the spatula to the plate before taking the plate and the glass of milk over to the table where Abel is coloring. She sets the plate and glass down in front of him before doing the same thing for Kenny and Ellie who are working away at homework.

"Okay guys, eat your snacks and finish up your homework and then you can go outside and play." [Y/N] states happily as the three of them look up and over at her wearing smiles.

The sound of an approaching motorcycle catches her attention, she slips from the kitchen and into the living room where she stands next to the window waiting. As the bike pulls into the driveway she catches site of Opie and lets out a heavy sigh, excited to see him returning home safely. A sudden tugging at her shirt pulls her attention away from the window and down towards the ground where Abel is standing.

"Hey buddy, something wrong?" she questions as Opie opens the front door and walks into the house. [Y/N] looks up and over at Opie and smiles at him, he returns it before closing the door and making his way into the kitchen.

"Can I have some more milk please?" Abel questions as he very nonchalantly slips his hand into hers. [Y/N] laughs softly and nods her head at the young Teller, standing up she leads him back to the kitchen where they find Opie snacking on one of the kids leftover grilled cheese. She helps Abel back into his chair before grabbing his glass and refilling the glass, while she's in the fridge she grabs a beer for Opie.

"Here you go," she says while placing the glass back down in front of Abel before handing the bottle to Opie who gratefully takes it, "drink up boys. I'll be right back Ope i'm just gonna go check on the kids."

[Y/N] slips out the back door for a few moments leaving Abel and Opie in the kitchen together. Opie glances down at the picture Abel is working on and smiles softly.

"Not bad, who's that there?" Opie asks as he points to a stick figure wearing a pink rendition of a dress, "is it your mom?"

Abel shakes his head while he fiddles with one of his crayons, "No."

"Well then, who is it little man?" Opie questions as the backdoor opens and [Y/N] walks back inside carrying a watering can. He follows Abel's gaze and nods quietly to himself knowing full well who the woman is in the drawing.

"You two okay?" [Y/N] asks as she fills the can up.

"Absolutely perfect and I get it too Abel, I get it too." Opie replies as he pats Abel's shoulder as the little guys cheeks burn a bright red, "you'll find a lady one day just like her."

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