Head Over Boots [Opie Winston]

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Even though [Y/N] isn't part of SAMCRO she's a major part of the family considering she's the daughter of Lenny Janowitz. Being Lenny's daughter did bring some perks, but other than being put on lock down when shit hit the fan or being invited to family dinners she's pretty much left alone. She did get the luxury of growing up with two other original nine kids- Jax and Opie. The three of them were pretty tight from the time they met each other as kids up until their early adult years.

Over the years [Y/N] grew apart from Jax, but kept in close contact with Opie who returned the gesture. She even swept in to help him out when he went to prison and when Donna died and Opie was very, very grateful. Piney was even up in good spirits when [Y/N] started coming around more and more often, especially when she started making pit stops to the garage to see if Opie needed anything.

That's where she was heading at that very moment with two picnic baskets full of sandwiches and cookies for the guys since they were knee deep in work. As she pulls into parking lot she's greeted by an excited Gemma who's standing next to the garage. Once she's stopped her car and shut it off she climbs out and grabs the picnic baskets.

"Thank you so much baby," Gemma says as she nabs one of the baskets from [Y/N], "you're a saving grace today."

[Y/N] laughs softly as the two of them make their way back to the shop, "No problem, I know you guys have been swamped for several days now."

"Weird influx of vehicles too," Gemma replied as they set the baskets down on the couch in her office, "how's work?"

"Slow, honestly we need a new catch, something that draws people in." She replied as the boys begin to trickle in to get their lunch.

"It'll work out, besides if you ever need anything you can always rely on family." Gemma states before scooping up a couple of sandwiches to take to the clubhouse.

"Thanks [Y/N], you're the best." Juice says while grabbing his lunch.

"You're very welcome." [Y/N] replies as Opie walks in with sweat dripping down his face and a grease spot smeared under his left eye. His face lights up as soon as his eyes land on her and a huge smile spreads across his face.

"Hey you, I thought you had to work today?" Opie questions as he pulls a sandwich out of the basket and peels away the wrap.

"Too slow, so we closed up shop and decided to take the day off." She replies while leaning against Gemma's work desk.

Opie takes the last bite of his sandwich before replying, "Well thank you, it was delicious."

"No problem, if you'd like you and he kids are more than welcome to come over for supper." [Y/N] questions, her cheeks turning the lightest shade of red.

What the two of them didn't notice was that right outside of the office Piney was watching the two of them. Jax slides up beside Piney and watches right alongside him, all the while Piney has this huge grin plastered on his face.

"Well, at least he's smiling, besides [Y/N] is a good fit." Jax mutters as Piney nods excitedly in regards to his statement.

"I would absolutely love to come over." Opie mutters softly.

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