Pumpkin [Jax Teller]

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Prompt: Pumpkin Patch
Rating: SFW
Warnings: None
Trick or Treat?
Tired and frustrated eyes glance from the clock on the dashboard to the rear view mirror in hopes that she'd finally see Jax pulling into the parking lot. [Y/N] stares at the empty driveway for a few more seconds before flinging open the car door and stepping out. She angrily stuffs her phone and car keys into her pockets before making her way over to the sellers stand ready to get this errand out of the way. As she nears the stand the teenage boy working lazily cuts his eyes towards her and gestures towards a piece of paper tacked to the stand showing the entrance fee.

[Y/N] pulls a five dollar bill out of her front pocket and places it in front of him on the stand, "Anyone here to help load?"

The teen glances up from the magazine lying in front of him, his facial expression never changing, "No."

"Right," [Y/N] mumbled to herself as she walks away from the stand and into the patch, "just need four of these massive pumpkins, shouldn't be that terrible."

After a few moments of just ambling through the patch she finally lays eyes on a nearly perfect pumpkin. She stumbles her through the pumpkins until she reaches it, she awkwardly scoops it up into her arms and began the hike back to her car. [Y/N] does this two more times, each time passing the teen hoping that some of the angry waves ebbing off of her would reach him. By the time she's done loading the third one into the back of her car she's exhausted and ready to throw the towel in, but the thought of Gemma's rage pushes her onward.

For the last pumpkin she has to trudge a good distance into the patch until she spies the perfect one. The only downside to this pumpkin is its size, it's massive compared to the other three she's already collected.

"Searching for the perfect pumpkin, pumpkin?" Someone questions from behind her, the voice is familiar enough that she doesn't bother to turn around.

"Wow, that's... I can't even come up with a retort for that one." [Y/N] replies as Jax saunters up beside her, a big cheesy grin plastered on his face, "besides I've decided that I'm not speaking to you."

Jax's smile falters for a second as if he's truly hurt, "just because I was a little bit late? I'm really sorry baby, I got completely distracted by that cheeky costume pic you sent me." She cuts her [e/c] over to where Jax is standing all the while debating whether or not to believe him. On one hand she knows that the club has been extra busy these past few weeks, but on the other hand she's a little paranoid that there might be another woman.

[Y/N] shakes her head in an attempt to clear away those pesky little thoughts, "You're forgiven this time Teller and for your punishment you'll be carrying that really large pumpkin back to my car."

"Yes ma'am!" Jax replies excitedly as he begins carefully making his way to the one she pointed out. After a few seconds of teetering he balances the pumpkin with such ease and begins the walk back to where she's standing.

"Thank you, the hatchback should be open." She replies as Jax nods his head and starts off towards the exit. [Y/N] sighs and after a couple of seconds starts off after him and she reaches the car just as he closes the hatch.

"I really am sorry for being so late, how about I make it up to you? Dinner and a movie? No kids." Jax says as he places his hands on her hips and pulled her closer to him.

[Y/N] ponders the proposal for a few moments before replying, "I suppose that's sufficient, but I'd also like an adult size helping of dessert."

"I do believe I can make that happen." Jax replies before dipping his head down and placing a chaste kiss against her lips.

"Yo, you two done? It's closing time." The teenager shouts as he walks out from behind the stand.

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