Call Her [Juice Ortiz]

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There he is once again bouncing around the garage all happy and smiling and looking a damn snack. His joy sends [Y/N]'s mood spiraling and if she's not careful she'll snap the pen she's holding in half. Her view is altered by Gemma slipping into the office and closing the door just enough to piss [Y/N] off.

"What's got your panties in a bunch?" Gemma questions as she yanks open a desk drawer before dropping her bag in and kicking it closed, "and don't say there's nothing wrong, it's written all over your pretty face."

"Nothing too bad, just upset with a certain-" [Y/N] replies lowly as her attention focuses back on the partially closed door.

"A certain Puerto Rican?" Gemma adds before walking back over to the door and opening it so that the two of them have a full view of the garage.

[Y/N] opens and closes her mouth a few times as she cuts her eyes over to Gem who's wearing a smirk. Juice sprints in front of the door startling the two women, a blush settling on [Y/N]'s cheeks.

"Why don't you two just fuck already and be done with it?" Gemma demands as she walks back around the desk to sit in the other rolling chair.

"Already done." She replies while averting her eyes as embarrassment sets in.

"Subpar I take it?" Gem queries as a loud bang echoes throughout the garage.

"Oh no, no it was quite mind blowing. I'm just, upset-no pissed that he hasn't bothered to call me back or acknowledge the fact that it happened." [Y/N] replies as Gemma nods her head in agreement before standing from the chair.

"I got you baby, hold on." Gemma exclaims before moving over to the door, once she comes to a halt she cups her mouth with her hands and shouts, "Juice if you don't call this girl back i'm gonna plant my shoe so far up your ass you'll regret it for life."

The garage suddenly becomes quiet except for some awkward shuffling and quiet laughter. [Y/N] groans lowly and lets her head fall into her hands wanting to just vanish into thin air.

"Y-yes ma'am. Consider it done." Juice replies softly as Gemma chuckles and moves back across the room.

"There, problem solved." Gemma declares with a smile.

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