Gonna Get Married [Juice Ortiz]

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Day Nine of My Annual 25 Days Of SOA
For the umpteenth time that day Juice pulls out the little black velvet box from his pants pocket. This time he does it while finishing up paperwork in Gemma's office without even really thinking about it. The motion and object of course catch her attention, a deviously playful smirk spreading across her face in the progress.

"What ya got there baby?" Gemma questions as she points one of her pristinely manicured fingers at the box in his hand. Juice pauses mid thought for a second as he realizes what she's talking about as his nerves begin to prickle up from her inquisitiveness. 

It takes him a solid minute to come up with something to reply with and of course Juice goes with a safety net, "Uh, n-nothing."

As if on cue Gemma's eyes narrow and she leans back in her office chair with her arms crossed, "Lies Juice, downright lies."

Juice glances around the office making sure the coast is clear knowing that he's caught between a rock and a hard place. Ever so slowly he leans forward and opens the black velvet box to reveal a simple yet elegantly designed ring sporting a blue sapphire.

"You've got good taste sweetheart, is it for [Y/N]? If not well then I hope she's worth it." Gemma states her eyes searching Juices face for any deceiving looks that he may give away. She finds none except confusion from her statement in regards to another woman.

"I wouldn't, couldn't cheat on [Y/N]." Juice replies as he sets the box down on the desk as he leans back in his chair, "no, I want to ask her to marry me on Christmas Eve but i'm unsure of what she'll say."

Gemma nods as her eyes dart from him to something happening behind him in the doorway, "I think she'll say yes, don't really know why she wouldn't."

"How can you be sure though? With all that she's been through and everything that's happening with the club, that can weigh heavily on her decision." Juice replies as he lets out a frustrated sigh while running his hands over his tired face.

"I'm pretty sure I'd say yes regardless if the world was burning down around us." [Y/N] states from the doorway behind Juice. The sound of your voice sends him shooting forward in a desperate attempt to collect the box with the ring inside. Gemma laughs softly before excusing herself from the office leaving the two of them alone.

"R-really?" Juice questions, heart hammering hard against his sternum.

[Y/N] smiles softly and steps closer to him so that they are standing in front of each other, "Always and forever dork."

Juice smiles back and reaches forward tucking a few strands of loose hair behind her ear, "I believe this belongs to you."

"Thank you," She replies and gently takes the box from his hand, carefully she opens it only for her face to give away every emotion running through her. In a hurry she slips the ring from the box and slides it onto her left ring finger before wrapping her arms tightly around Juice who happily returns the hug.

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