She's Mine [Juice Ortiz]

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Juice isn't a very possessive person, he just prefers to keep the people he loves very close. So close in fact that when it comes to [Y/N] he tends to get jealous even if she's making a minor transaction with a guy at a store. Now he doesn't go into a tyrant when something like that happens, he brushes it off and makes it very clear who she belongs to later on.

From a distance Juice watches closely as [Y/N] hops from one vendor to the next. He dawdles behind her giving her some space but also being her pack mule when needed. She comes to a bounding stop at one of the fruit stands with one goal, fresh strawberries. For a hot second Juice gets distracted by another vendor so he ends up losing sight of her.

"How much for a quart of strawberries?" [Y/N] questions as she pilfers through some of them checking their quality.

"Ten bucks, but for you I'll give them to you for half price and your number." The vendor chirps back, a playful smile looming on his face.

[Y/N] chuckles softly, her eyes meeting his, "that's very kind of you, but I'd rather pay the full price and keep my boyfriend happy."

He looks around at some of the other shoppers before replying, "It's okay, he'd never know."

"Oh, but I think he would." She states while picking up a paper sack so that she can start picking it her strawberries. The guy drops the subject but keeps watching her as she adds a few and removes a few in order to get the correct weight.

After what seems like forever she finally gets the perfect weight and hands the bag to the guy. He rings up the total and quickly jots something down on the back out of her line of sight. She digs around in her purse for her wallet and pulls out a twenty and hands it to him, he hands her the correct change and her bag.

One glance at the bag and she realizes that he has written his number on it, "Was that really necessary?"

"Most definitely, why would I pass up the chance to pass my digits to this beautiful individual." The vendor replies with a small laugh.

[Y/N] nods her head and closes the bag making sure to put the written side against her body, "Right... Well thank you, have a great day."

With that she walks off her and quickly begins scanning the crowd for Juice. She eventually bumps into him at a knife vendor and the two link arms and begin to stroll off. As they near the vendor where she purchased the strawberries Juice gently pries the bag from her hands and dumps the fruit into another bag.

"Juice, what are you doing?" She questions as he balls the paper sack up. As they cruise by the stand he launched the bag at the vendors head hitting him square in the face. He cries out and swivels to look at them, his eyes landing on [Y/N].

"She's mine asshole!" Juice screams at the guy before dropping an arm around her shoulders.

"You do realize you didn't have to do that, I'm not going anywhere Juicy." [Y/N] states before pressing a gentle kiss on his cheek.

"I know," Juice replies as they make their way to her car.

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