PJ Day [Tig Trager]

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The alarm next to [Y/N]'s head screams loudly waking her and Tig, she fumbles around for the snooze button and once she's found it she smashes it down. Both of them stay put for a few more minutes before [Y/N] kicks the blankets back and sits up on the edge of the bed.

Tig coughs, then groans loudly, "It's too damn early to be awake."

[Y/N] chuckles softly before stretching, her body popping and creaking, "I'm sorry baby, but there's a lot that needs to be done today."

"Let's just stay in bed today, worry about all of the holiday stuff tomorrow." Tig states as the bed shifts and he wraps his arms around her waist, placing his face against her back.

"Have a lazy PJ day?" [Y/N] questions as she looks over her shoulder at him, "if we do that then that means you've got to help with all of the chores and such, this place needs to be cleaned from top to bottom before the Christmas party."

Tig remains quiet for a few seconds before sighing, "fine, I just don't want to do dishes."

[Y/N] laughs heartily as he pulls her back into bed, "Fine, fine we can have a lazy PJ day."

"Good, because if me not asking nicely didn't work I was gonna resort to other means that I know you can't resist." Tig states as he plants a few light kisses along her neck.

"Thought about playing dirty huh?" She questions as her hand finds his to intertwine their fingers.

"Oh you know it." He replies with a soft smile.

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