Awkward [Juice Ortiz]

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From the moment they were born [Y/N], Jax and Opie were attached at the hip and ended up getting into all sorts of trouble. By the time the three of them hit high school most of the town thought that [Y/N] and Jax would end up getting married and having kids. However, that wasn't how things played out and that was the end of the whole thought. Even up into their adult lives the three of them were inseparable, [Y/N] even stood by Opies side when he was sent to prison.

The years pass, Opie is released from jail and the three of them pick back up on their antics. At the current moment in time Opie and Jax are heading over to [Y/N]'s house just to hangout since she recently got back into town. As Opie pulls up to her driveway they both take note of a familiar motorcycle parked on the left side of her car.

"What the?" Jax questions as Opie brings his truck to a halt on the curb.

"Doesn't that bike belong to Juice?" Opie questions as hue shuts the truck off and the both of them climb out.

"Yeah, why is it here though?" Jax questions as they make their way to the front door. As soon as their feet touch the mat Jax is banging on the door. A few seconds later the door opens and a laughing Juice comes face to face with both Jax and Opie.

"Oh boy." Juice states wide eyed, "well this is very awkward."

"I'd say, where is [Y/N]?" Opie states as he looks past the man standing in front of looking for his friend.

"K-kitchen." Juice squeaks out as the two men brush past him and head straight for the kitchen. The two of them nearly run into [Y/N] as they round the corner.

"Food is ready... Oh. Oh shit!" [Y/N] states as realization hits her square on, "guys i'm so sorry I totally forgot that you were going to stop by."

"Seems like you've forgotten to tell us a lot." Jax replies as he slips around her to pick at the food on the counter, "like about Juice parking his bike outside of your house and parking his other bike somewhere too."

[Y/N]'s cheeks turn a bright red as Juice joins the three of them in the kitchen, "You do realize that I don't have to tell you everything that goes on in my life right?"

"Fair enough, fair enough." Jax replies with a s soft chuckle while holding his hands up in defeat.

"Just know Juice, that I anything happens to her you not only have to answer to the two of us, but the whole club." Opie states while sifting through the fridge for a beer.

"Oh no, I know but you might have to bring me back from the dead first." Juice says with a light chuckle, "because [Y/N] will kill me first."

"True." Jax and Opie reply in unison.

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