Together [Tig Trager]

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The moment Tig walked through the door [Y/N] knew immediately that something was wrong. It took two days for Tig to even look at her and it took even longer for him to talk about the incident. Tig would mention small things here and there, but he ultimately kept her in the dark more so for her sanity.

He became reclusive and that made her worry even more, worry so much that when she was away at work she'd call Chibs just to check on him. In fact that's who she just got off the phone with and what he told her had her clocking out real fast and heading home. As soon as she pulls into the driveway she slams on the break and shuts her car off and hops out. [Y/N] doesn't bother with gathering her things she rushes to the door and flings it open.

After taking a few steps inside she finds Tig on the floor curled into a fetal position, tears spring to her eyes. In a slow manner she drops down down to her knees and pulls his head into her lap.

"Tig... You can't keep doing this baby, you have got to talk to me." She mumbles while dragging her fingers through his dark locks.

"I'm so sorry, I know I haven't been myself and I've shut you and everyone else out." Tig replies softly, never once meeting her gaze.

[Y/N] chuckles softly, "It's okay baby, I'm here and I'm willing to listen. We're in this together until the end of times."

Tig reaches up and lays a hand gently on your cheek, "you're too good to me."

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