Why? [Abel Teller]

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[Y/N] was just about to nod off in Jax's arms until a sudden scream breaks the quiet of the night. The two of them bolt from the couch and rush down the hallway coming to a screeching halt at the bathroom. Jax forces the bathroom door open to find Abel flush against the wall, a look of disgust and worry plastered on his face.

She rushes over to where Abel is standing and pulls him to her side, "what is it buddy?"

"I don't see any spiders son, what's the problem?" Jax questions while thoroughly searching for whatever scared Abel.

"In the potty!" Abel cries while shoving his finger in the direction of the toilet. Jax and [Y/N] glance over at the toilet expecting to find some poo, but instead there was just the faintest hint of blood. It dawns on [Y/N] so fast that she begins to curse herself under her breath.

"I don't see anything," Jax mutters as [Y/N] kicks his leg gently and ushers Abel from the bathroom and back to the bedroom. She lifts him up from the floor and plops him down on the couch before grabbing Jax and pulling him to the kitchen.

"Out of all the things our child spots he has to go and find that." [Y/N] whispers angrily while pacing back and forth in front of him.

"I have no idea what you're going on about." Jax replies with a small laugh, "what exactly was there that I didn't see? A piece of poo stuck to the side of the toilet? Something from your cycle?"

She stops in her tracks as her face turns beet red, "there was a small amount of blood there yes."

"Oh-oh shit!" Jax states as he breaks down I laughter. [Y/N] smacks his arm hard before brushing past him in order to explain what it was to their young child.

She sits down on the couch and pulls Abel into her lap as Jax drops down beside her, "Okay buddy, so can you tell us exactly what you saw?"

"There was blood mommy!" Abel cries out as Jax once again breaks down in laughter.

"Wow, okay so that's the thing Abel, for people like mommy it's natural for that to happen." [Y/N] says, her face still burning bright red, "so from time to time you might see something like that."

"Why?" Abel questions, his innocent eyes boring into hers.

She swallows hard before continuing on with the conversation, "well it's a sign telling mommies that they aren't going to have a baby any time soon."

"Why?" He asks again.

"Mommys and daddys need to plan those things, so when you see something like that it just means they weren't ready." Jax says as he leans over to ruffle Abel's hair.

"Why?" Able asks yet again resulting in both of them groaning.

"Why not  go play with your toys and mommy and daddy will see about getting ice cream later." [Y/N] says as Abel happily climbs down from her lap to go to his room. As he disappears from sight they both let out a low sigh and collapse against the couch.

"He's all your son." [Y/N] states as Jax grabs her hand.

"Yeah, but he's picked up on your curious side." Jax replies with a soft chuckle.

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