First Come, First Serve [Tig Trager and Juice Ortiz]

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Against her better judgement [Y/N] happily accepts a office position from her mother's acquaintance-Gemma- who is beyond excited to have her at the garage. It takes a couple of months before she finally gets the hang of running an office, but before long she's running the whole show like a pro. Along with taking charge of the office she also becomes really good friends with several of the Sons and unbeknownst to her two of them fall head over heels for her. The tension between Tig and Juice continues to grow worse each and every day and [Y/N] has taken notice and has become concerned.

Everything finally boils over on a particularly hot and slow day at the garage when the only air conditioner in the office decides to quit. The heat slowly becomes too much for [Y/N] to handle and she strips her blouse off and continues to work in only a tanktop and shorts wanting nothing more than to leave early. Eventually it becomes too much for her to handle and she storms outside where a cool breeze envelops her, a sigh escaping her lips at the relief.

"You okay there doll?" Tig calls out to her as he rolls out from underneath a car. The moment he lays eyes on the way [Y/N] is dressed his world comes to a sudden halt as he eyes her up and down admiring how the tanktop hugs all of her curves.

[Y/N] chuckles softly before replying to his question, completely oblivious to his reaction, "I'm okay Tig, the AC finally broke down in the office and it's hotter than hell in there right now."

"I'm sorry baby girl, would you like for me to take a look at it and see if i can fix it for you?" Tig replies as he stands up from the creeper he's lying on, "won't take me too long."

[Y/N] smiles softly and nods, "If you don't mind that would be fantastic."

Tig brushes his hands on his pants in an attempt to wipe off the grease that's built up there before stepping around her to get to the office, "this way then."

Once inside the office Tig lets out a long low whistle as he begins to fan himself with his hands in an attempt to get some air moving. He makes his way over to the AC and drops down in front of it before pulling off the already unbolted face, one look inside and he's cackling out loud.

"What's so funny?" [Y/N] questions as she slides up beside him and takes a peek at the machine over his shoulder while casually placing a hand on his shoulder to for balance. Tig swallows thickly before moving around some the already replaced parts trying to keep himself from thinking with his dick for a change.

"This thing has finally bit the bullet." Tig states as he looks over his shoulder at [Y/N], but instead of his eyes focusing on her face they fall on her chest where her cleavage is being displayed perfectly, "G-Gemma's gonna need to buy a new one, I can let her know if you'd like me to."

"Well shit, don't worry about it Tiggy I'll let her know. Thanks for looking at it though, you're the best." [Y/N] replies softly before leaning even further down to place a chaste kiss on his cheek.

"You sneaky son-of-a-bitch!" someone shouts into the office startling the shit out of them. [Y/N] stands up straight and spins around to find Juice staring at the two of them, fists clenched by his sides and eyes alight with rage.

"Juice, what are you talking about?" [Y/N] questions as Tig gently pushes her out of the way and behind the desk.

Tig apprehensively takes a step forward in an attempt to ease the situation, "It's not what it looks like brother, honest."

"Bullshit!" Juice screams back before charging at Tig with his fists raised. [Y/N] watches in shock as the two tussle back and forth across the room knocking things off onto the floor and trampling other things. A small scream echoes the room as they start to sail on each other with their fists as blood begins to trickle down each other their faces.

"Enough!!" [Y/N] shouts while prying the two of them apart as best as she can, "what the fuck is going on with you two? You're both acting like fucking children."

"Fuck it! We both like you [Y/N] and we're constantly at each other's throat trying to be the first to make a move," Juice shouts as he throws his hands up into the air before letting out an exasperated sigh. She raises an eyebrow while looking between the two of them before breaking out into laughter.

"Really? You two assholes are fighting over me?" [Y/N] questions as she leans back against the filing cabinet behind her, "If you two would have been up front and honest I would have told you that I like both of you."

"What?" They both reply in unison which causes her to laugh harder than before.

"Yes, there's a simpler way to go about this, that is if you want to try?" She replies with a devilish smile, "what do you say boys?"

"Hell  yeah." Tig replies happily as he glances over at Juice.

"Sure why not." Juice states as the two of them high five.

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