Apology [Happy Lowman]

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Inches, she was mere inches from escaping the bed and death grip-hug- Happy had on her. His hot breath fans out across her neck as he pulls her closer before planting a light kiss on her collar bone.

"Say it." Happy states, teeth skimming along the tender skin of her neck.

Her skins flares red and heats up as a blush settles in as he continues his assault, "N-No, I stand very firm with what I originally said."

Ever so slowly his right hand glides down over her stomach towards her panty clad center. Her breath hitches in her throat as his fingers skim under the waistband of her panties and dance lightly along the tender skin there.

"Come on baby, say it." Happy coos while nipping st her earlobe as the fingers on his right hand continue their assault. She clamps down on her bottom lip trying hard not to give into her Old Man even though she knew he was the master of torture. With a mere scoot of his fingers towards her clit, [Y/N] came unglued and caved.

"Fine, fine you were right and I was wrong." She sputters out while gasping for air after noticing she had been holding her breath for the longest.

"You know, that's not exactly what an apology sounds like." Happy stated while laughing and placing kisses on her neck while pulling his hand back.

"Oh bite me Happy!" [Y/N] snaps while averting her gaze from his, a very dark and sly grin creeps over his face as he begins shifting his weight so that he was partially hovering over her.

"Now that, sounds like such fun." He states before harshly pressing his lips against hers.

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