Rude [Jax Teller]

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Everything was going perfectly fine in their lives, [Y/N] landed a steady job and together she and Jax got an apartment. The two of them had even started talking about taking the next step in their relationship, until she showed back up. As soon as Tara hit the pavement in Charming she became a beacon and Jax went a running like a moth to a flame.

Just as fast as they put things together it fell apart twice as fast and she was at the epicenter. Their near perfect relationship falls apart at the hinges and the two go their separate ways. Jax goes about his duties as VP of the Sons and [Y/N], well she falls off the truck but picks herself back up and continues on.

Weeks slip into months and months slowly roll over into years and unfortunately things seemed to stay the same. That is, until she checks her mailbox on one faithful day and what she finds in the box nearly sends her into fit. There in her hands was a fucking wedding invitation for Jax and Tara, scoffing [Y/N] rips it up and let's it fall to the ground.

"Not even worth my time." She huffs while slamming the door of the mailbox closed. That night as she settles down in the living room, wine glass in one hand and photo albums spread over lap. Tears begin to well up in her eyes and eventually slip down her cheeks, furiously she wiped them away before downing the rest of her drink.

"Pull yourself together, you're not some weak ass bitch." [Y/N] screeches before sending the photo albums crashing to the floor, "his loss."

[Y/N] forces herself back into her normal routine, but the wedding date continues to loom in her thoughts. Plus, no matter how many times she tries to get her mind off of Jax Teller his stupid pretty face her heartbeat becomes rampant. Several days later as she's closing up shop she hears the bell above the door jingle signaling that a customer has walked in.

"Sorry guys we're done for the day," [Y/N] shouts as she emerges from the back room only to come face to face with that blue eyed devil. Her eyes narrow, anger floods through her body as her hands land on her hips as she waits for him to say something.

Jax doesn't say anything right away, casually he drags his fingers along a few items, "how have you been [Y/N/N]?"

"Great, until you walked in." She replies while walking behind the counter, "what do you want Jax? To reminisce on good times- the few we had. Or to rub it in my face that you and Tara are getting hitched, something we were gonna do."

Jax doesn't reply, instead he looks at the floor and fiddles with his hands. [Y/N] sighs, her anger ebbing away and being replaced by guilt-for snapping at him- and hurt.

"I'm sorry, I know things between us didn't end well-" Jax mumbles.

"End well? You pretty much dumped my ass and chased after Tara." [Y/N] spits back at him, that guilt disappearing completely as the anger comes roaring back, "what happened to our happy ending? Or the family we were gonna have? Oh, that's right it ended up being a fleeting thought."

"T-that's not true." Jax states, his voice cracking, hurt evident in his eyes, "there's not damn day that goes by that I don't think of you, of what we could have had."

[Y/N] chuckles as tears begin to slip down her cheeks, "then why in the hell did you leave me? Everything was going great, we were happy, we had a home you even told me to start looking at rings."

Jax opens and closes his mouth before clearing his throat in an attempt to keep himself from also crying. The room falls silent for what seems like an eternity as the two of them work to wrangle their emotions.

"I'm sorry [Y/N], I really am." Jax states, his eyes locking with hers, "there's just something about Tara I can't shake, now I do know that I'll always love you."

"Right." She mumbles.

"I came here today because we haven't gotten your RSVP, we would absolutely love to have you." Jax states as his cellphone begins to ring, "will you come?"

[Y/N] hesitates, her eyes never leave he counter, "Yeah."

"Great, can't wait to see you there!" He calls out over his shoulder as he exits the store. The anger that she has been beating down comes surging forth and she lashes out by shoving everything on the tiny counter to the floor. Glass containers smash on contacts, shards flying everywhere as their contents scatter about. Papers float aimlessly to the floor as jewelry and other merchandise fly under shelves and cabinets.

[Y/N] sobs out as she sinks to the floor, broken yet once more by the very man she gave everything too. After several hours of crying she finally pulls herself together and cleans up the mess before heading home.

The wedding date finally arrives, but [Y/N] doesn't go, nope she packs a bag and decides to leave town for a while. Jax was gonna marry that girl anyway, so why hang around.

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