Party Of Two [Jax Teller and Juice Ortiz]

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It wasn't a quick realization for Jax, no it took several months to years for him to come to terms with his sexuality. Granted he still keeps up appearances for the club, but deep down inside he's yearning for something, no someone. Jax has tried numerous things to dampen the urges, dating/hook up apps just don't cut it and going to exclusive bars is just too risky.

As time trickles on for Jax, the pressure of the club begins to weigh heavily on him as well as his loneliness. Jax eventually hits rock bottom and surprisingly it's Juice who comes to the rescue and pulls him up and out of his slump. It's not uncommon for another brother to help out when something is wrong, but for Jax it leaves a lasting impression. One could even call Jax's feelings towards Juice romantic in nature and as much as Jax wants to deny them he just can't.

From his goofy smile and childish haircut all the way down to the tiniest of imperfections Jax can visibly see- his fear of being alone. Whenever either of them have free time on their hands they grab Abel and Thomas and just hit the road usually ending up at the park. But today, today the two of them are enjoying an empty clubhouse, some beer and just some smooth conversation.

"How are you doing?" Juice questions as he finishes off yet another bottle of beer, "mentally and with the kids and stuff."

Jax pauses for a moment before replying, "I'm okay I suppose."

"You don't exactly sound okay, you know you can talk to me about anything." Juice states while leaning forward to grab another beer from the table in front of them, "anytime, anywhere."

"Thanks darlin'." Jax replies completely unaware of the slip up. Juice pauses as he opens his beer, cheeks turning red as his heartbeat increases unsure if he'd heard Jax correctly.

After a few awkward seconds he opens the beer open completely and leans back into the couch. The two remain silent letting everything kind of marinate before Juice finally works up the courage to make a move. Hesitantly he reaches his hand out stretching his fingers briefly before gently placing it on Jax's knee. The room instantly shoots up ten degrees but Jax doesn't move Juices hand, he does however place his on top.

"W-we really gonna do this?" Juice sputters out, his eyes shifting nervously from their hands to Jax's face. Jax cuts his blue eyes over to Juice as he pulls his beer bottle away from his lips.

"Slowly and only if you want too, I don't want to rush into anything." Jax replies as Juice nods.

"Low key?" Juice questions while chewing on his bottom lip, hoping Jax agrees.

"Party of two until we both agree on something different." Jax replies as the corners of his mouth turn upwards in a soft smile. Juice returns the smile as he slides across the couch in an attempt to get a little closer to Jax.

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