Your Turn [Opie Winston]

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Silence, both a blessing and a curse especially when it comes to a having a small child. The same thing could also be said in regards to sleep, blessing and a curse-especially when your toddler wakes up at 3:30 in the morning. The loud crackle of the baby monitor stirs [Y/N] and Opie who groans loudly as cries begin to echo through.

"[Y/N], babe it's your turn." Opie states as the crying gets louder.

[Y/N] groans and rolls over onto her side before jabbing her finger into his side, "No, no, it's your turn Ope."

"No, no you promised, no baby duty for me tonight." Opie retorts loudly which causes [Y/N] to snort and roll out bed before hurrying down the hallway to the baby's room. She hurries into the room and scoops her baby boy out of the crib and begins to bounce and rock him in her arms.

After a few moments of bouncing [Y/N] begins to sing softly which calms the baby down substantially. She smiles softly which elicits a smile and a soft coo from her child.

"Well, seems like you were just wanting attention yeah?" [Y/N] states while wagging a finger at her now laughing child.

However, she never notices Opie standing in the doorway smiling to himself, quietly he sneaks up behind her and rests his chin on her shoulder. [Y/N] jumps at his sudden appearance but doesn't pull away from him as he wraps his arms around her waist.

"Here, I'll take him, you go get some sleep." Opie states.

"You sure? What about our promise?" She retorts while cutting her eyes over at him.

"Rain check, you deserve a break, now go to bed before I change my mind." He says with a chuckle before prying the baby from her, without a beat she places a soft kiss on her child's head and Opies cheek before racing off to bed. As she gets comfy she can quietly hear Opie reading to their son and a little while later she can feel the bed dip down and Opies arm draped around her waist.

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