Jealous [Chibs Telford]

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It wasn't a common occurrence for [Y/N] to get jealous, especially over such a small thing. Deep down she knew Chibs still held feelings for Fiona, but at the end of the day he'd always come home to her. However, her mind still went to those dark places, always wondering if he'd stray back to the good ole days.

That's where her mind currently was, drifting, but she was pulled back to reality when someone knocks on the front door. She turns the stovetop down to simmer before hurrying to the door, without peeking through the blind she opens it only freeze on the spot. There standing on her front doorstep was Fiona and Kerrianne, wearing bright and cheery smiles.

"Hello [Y/N]," Fiona says while sticking her hand out towards her, "I see Filip didn't mention us stopping by."

"N-no, he didn't but please come on in." She replies
before stepping to the side to allow them in.

"Thank you, come on Kerrianne." Fiona says as she ushers her daughter on into the house. Once inside, [Y/N] closes the door and guides them to the hallway.

"Well, since you're here we do have two guest rooms." She states while motioning towards the two doors on the left, "you're more than welcome to use both or one. There is adjoining bathroom so there will be plenty of privacy."

"That's very kind of you, we'll keep them clean for you. Do you still work at the hospital?" Fiona questions as Kerrianne takes off into the nearest room, closing the door behind her.

"I do, I hope the weird hours won't bother you two." [Y/N] replies just as Chibs walks through the front door. A huge smile springs onto Fiona's face before running to embrace the Scottish man. Without a word, she slips from the room and back to the kitchen before her face gives away a little too much.

[Y/N] listens carefully from the kitchen as the two of them chat away about anything and everything. A short while later she can hear the bedroom door open and Kerrianne's voice join the others. After a few more minutes of putting things together she finally puts the meal in the oven and sets a timer. Just as she's going to round the corner to join in the conversation she hears the front door close and the room fall silent.

"Hello?" [Y/N] calls out to an apparently empty house, "I know they didn't just up and leave without even thinking of me."

She lets out a loud huff before spinning on her heel and heading back into the kitchen. [Y/N] works tirelessly to finish the meal and once it's done she fixes a plate for herself and shoves the rest in the refrigerator. Her eyes dart over to the clock taking note of the time, frustrated she shuts the lights off and heads to bed.

As she lays down in the bed she finds herself jealous of Fiona, but at the same time pissed at Chibs. Not only had he not said anything to her be whisks his ex-wife out of the house for a night out on the town. [Y/N] couldn't remember the last time she had been out on a date with her Old Man. The more she thought about the bigger the green monster grew until her body finally gives out and she falls asleep.

Sometime later in the night she rouses just enough to know that someone has entered the house. She dozes back off but is roused once again as the bed shifts and Chibs settles down. Without jarring the bed too much he worms his way over to her and drapes his arm over her.

"Jealousy doesn't really suit ya lass." Chibs mutters into her ear, his hot breath fanning out over her neck.

[Y/N] hums quietly to herself before pushing his arm off of her and placing some distance between the two of them. Chibs groans lowly before repeating the action and pulling her closer to him.

"I'm also sorry about ditching ya like that, for some reason I thought you worked tonight." He states while planting kisses along her neck, "do you think you can forgive me?"

"A heads up next time would be great, it's not something that i'm all that great at controlling." She mumbles, "I know how you feel about me, it's just my head that gets a little crowded."

"I know, by just remember," Chibs says as he slides his hand up to grasp her chin and turn her head so that she's looking at him, "I love you and only you."

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