Morning [Juice Ortiz]

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The bright rays of sunshine filtering through the blinds and curtains fan across [Y/N]'s face stirring her from the deep sleep she had fallen into. She sucks in a deep breath and stretches, the sheet glides across her naked body as her hands automatically search for her lover. As soon as her hands find Juice she worms her way over to where he is, planting kisses on whatever exposed skin she finds.

Apparently her actions rouse Juice because before she can carry her actions any further he rolls over to face her. A soft, sleepy smile crosses his face as he captures her face with his hands and plants a loving kiss on her forehead.

"Morning sleepyhead!" [Y/N] chirps happily just as the alarm clock on the nightstand begins to beep loudly throughout the room. Juice grumbles lowly as he lets go of her face and rolls over so that he can smash the silence button on top of the alarm.

"Damn thing," Juice mumbles as he begins to kick and toss the sheet off of himself so that he can get up.

"You don't need to leave so soon." [Y/N] hums softly as she arches off the bed just enough so that she sheet slips down away from her chest. Juice quirks an eyebrow at her while trying hard not to fall for sneaky, but yet elaborate trap.

"As much as I'd love to stay baby I'm scheduled to open up the garage today." He states while making his way into the bathroom. [Y/N] grumbles and crawls to the edge of the bed where she lies flat on her stomach and waits for him to exit.

As soon as she sees his shadow [Y/N] puts on the best puppy dog look she can and lays on the charm, "Please, can't you just stay a little bit longer?"

Juice freezes in his tracks as soon as he lays his eyes on her, "Well with that look how am I supposed to say no?"

Before [Y/N] can reply Juices cell phone starts to chirp loudly meaning someone is calling. He holds up a finger signaling to give him a moment but that of course doesn't prevent her from pouting.

Juice snatches the phone from his dresser and smashes the green answer button, "Hello?"

Over the next few minutes he doesn't say a word only nods his head to whatever the other person is saying. As he does this he hurries through getting dressed and just before be hangs up he presses a loving kiss against [Y/N]'s cheek.

"I'll be back this afternoon and I'll make up my early departure." He states while leaving the room.

"Damn right you will." [Y/N] mumbles out loud as she contemplated bringing herself to the edge with her trusty friend-her vibrator.

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