Favorite Holiday Movie [Happy Lowman]

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As [Y/N] climbs the stairs to the house she's greeted by the smell of popcorn which peeks her curiosity. Once inside the house she's greeted by a smiling Happy and a bowl of heaping popcorn. Happy stops short once he sees her, his smile disappearing completely.

"Hey you." He grumbles out while shifting the bowl nervously in his hands, "you're home early."

She smiles softly while shedding her jacket, "I finished up early so that we could spend some time together."

"Good, good want to watch my favorite holiday movie with me?" Happy asks as a very devious smile creeps along his face.

"Of course, as long as you share that popcorn with me." [Y/N] replies as the two of them head to the couch. The two of them get comfy, his arm draped around her shoulders and her head on his shoulder. Happy turns the TV on and hits play and before long she has a clear idea of what his favorite movie is-Home Alone.

By the end of the movie Happy is in tears from laughing so hard and [Y/N] can't help but laugh herself.


Authors note: Due to this one being so short and the fact that I feel like I can get so much out of this one, I may either add on or rewrite it later.

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