Tease [Tig Trager]

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[Y/N] shifts around on the bed in an attempt to make her very pregnant self more comfortable just as the shower cuts off in the other room. She fumbles around on the bedside table looking for the book she's been entertaining for some time, hoping to add a few more pages to the left side. Propping the book on swollen belly she opens it to the page where she stopped just as the bathroom door opens and Tig walks out stark naked.

She pauses and glances over the top of her book before letting a low wolf whistle, "Now now Tig, you're teasing your very pregnant wife and it's not exactly fair."

Tig chuckles softly as he pulls on a pair of boxers and slips into bed next to [Y/N], he casually props himself up and plants a soft kiss on her belly, "Mommy's a little tense right now, but I can assure you that she adores it when I tease her."

"That I do baby boy," [Y/N] replies as she drags her fingers through Tig's hair, "how was your day?"

"Oh you know, exhilarating," Tig states as he catches her hand and plants a kiss on it, "what did the doctor say?"

A soft smile slips across her face as she closes her book and places it back on the table, "Everything's going as planned, they're both happy and healthy and will coming very soon, I hope you're ready Daddy."

"Oh I am," Tig states as he shifts around so that he can plant a kiss on [Y/N]'s lips, "we're going to be great parents to two beautiful kids."

"Yes we are, now I need you to be a good Daddy and run to the kitchen." she replies as a low grumble erupts from her belly. Tig laughs loudly as he rolls off of the bed and hurries down the hall to the kitchen to grab a late night snack for [Y/N].

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