Running Away [Chibs Telford]

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Silence, one thing Chibs doesn't get very often when there's a small version of him running amuck. However, when he didn't hear screaming from his child nor a few angrily muttered curse words from [Y/N] he became concerned. He closes the paper he's reading and forces himself up from the couch before slipping down the hallway to his son's room.

As he nears the bedroom he notices that the door is partially closed and a tiny angry voice is flitting around the room. Slowly he pushes the door open only to find his son darting around the room collecting pieces of clothing and toys. For a few moments Chibs watches him stuff object after object into his suitcase before trying to zip it closed.

"Going somewhere lad?" Chibs questions as he pushes the bedroom door completely open startling the boy in he process.

His son spins around before crossing his arms over chest and stomping his foot in aggravation, "I'm running away."

"Oh yeah?" Chibs questions while leaning against the doorframe, "what for? And where are ya gonna go at this hour?"

"I'm going to uncle Jax's house!" The boy cries out before dragging the overstuffed bag off the bed, "because Mom was being mean! I don't want to do my homework or clean my room."

Chibs chuckles loudly while intercepting his headstrong boy, he quickly picks up his son and wheels the bag out of the way. The boy kicks at his dad and whines until he's placed on his bed next to Chibs.

"Now listen here boy, your mum works day in and day out to make sure you're set for the day." Chibs states while patting his son on the back, "the least ya could do is do your homework and pick up your things."

"But I don't wanna!" He cries back while looking at Chibs, "and she keeps saying if I don't do it I won't get any Christmas presents from Santa!"

Chibs nods in return while making a mental note to thank [Y/N] for the new threat later, "Well, maybe if you do what yer mum asks you'll get extra gifts, but only if you do as she says."

The boys face lights up much like a Christmas tree at the thought, "Really? Santa would bring me double?!"

"Yeah, sure we'll make sure Santa brings extra gifts this year." Chibs states as his son slides off the bed and begins hunting for his backpack.

"Alright!" The boy cheers as he pulls out some papers and begins working on them. Chibs nods to himself before slipping out the room and heading to the bedroom he shares with [Y/N].

He opens the door to find [Y/N] lying face down on the bed obviously done with the day. Without hesitation he joins her on the bed in the same position wondering how the hell she does it day in and day out.

"What did you promise him this time?" [Y/N] mutters from her pillow.

"Extra Christmas gifts from Santa." Chibs replies, "and for you to do that thing that I like."

She laughs softly before turning to look at him, "I love you very much, but were not doing that for a while, that's how we ended up with a mini version of you."

"Fair enough," Chibs states with a grin, "love you too."

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