Christmas Cards [Opie Winston]

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In one swift movement [Y/N] ushers the kids to the car, making sure they are buckled in before she turns back towards the house. There inching out of the house toting several bulky sweaters is Opie, rushing forward she grabs the sweaters just as they slip from his hands.

"Crap, sorry [Y/N]." Opie mumbles as he pulls the door closed behind him, "Is that everything we need?"

"Yes, one very sweet husband, two well dressed kids and several sweaters." [Y/N] replies before grabbing his hand to pull him towards the car, "now let's hurry before we lose our spot."

"Right, right." He says while fishing the keys out of his pocket.

The ride to photography studio didn't take near as long as [Y/N] thought it would with the daily traffic and before she knew they were being called back. A couple of the photos consisted of formal wear and happy smiles while several others showed off their "ugly" sweaters they had made earlier in the week. There were even a couple of photos where the kids cracked funny faces and struck poses.

"Alright Mr. and Mrs. Winston these should be done within a week or two and they will be delivered to you before Christmas." The photographer states as he changes out his lens, "is there anything else I can help you with today?"

"Not that I can think of," [Y/N] says as she adjusts one of the kids sweaters.

"Actually, there is..." Opie says as he gets down on one knee and pulls out a little black box, "I know it may seem a little rushed, but I absolutely love you and I know for a fact the kids love you. [Y/N] will you marry me?"

[Y/N] can hear the kids squeal with joy as a camera shutter clicks in the background, but what she can hear the most in that moment is her heartbeating against her ribs. She slowly steps forward and leans down and presses her lips against his and that was the only answer Opie needed. Opie slips the ring on [Y/N]'s finger as the kids throw their arms around the two of them, completing the family's Christmas cards.

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