Brother [Happy Lowman]

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From the kitchen where she's putting away groceries [Y/N] can bear the jingle of her phone, but she nonchalantly brushes it off since she knows exactly who it is. However that doesn't stop the Tacoma killer from perking up in his seat wanting nothing more to snoop. Happy waits patiently for [Y/N] to come strutting around the corner to snatch up her phone like she always does but when she doesn't he pounces. His fingers glide over the touch screen with ease and before long he's scrolling through message after message.

One particular recipient catches his eye though simply because their name is The King. Happy opens his mouth ready to yell across the house, but he shuts it sharply knowing a yelling match won't solve anything. He quickly reads over the last message before backing out of them and locking the phone making sure to return it to its original spot. [Y/N] rounds the corner holding a couple of beers but automatically senses something is off about her Old Man.

"Okay, what's wrong?" She questions while setting the beers down on the coffee table before climbing onto the couch next to him, "I can see it written all over your face."

Happy chews on the inside of his cheek trying desperately to keep his temper in check before replying, "Who's The King?"

The question obviously catches her off guard and she leans back a mix of emotions washing over her face. "You went through my phone Happy?"

"Just be honest with me [Y/N], are you cheating on me?" Happy states, his eyes boring craters into her own.

"There's no way in hell I'd ever cheat on you Happy and you know that shit. The King is a silly nickname for my older brother because he likes to have authority over anyone and everyone." [Y/N] replies sharply, her eyes narrowing at him, "and the message that i'm sure you so greedily read was in regards to him coming over for dinner tonight which is why I went grocery shopping."

"Your brother?" Happy asks as the doorbell chimes happily throughout the house alerting them that someone's at the door.

"Yes, my brother." She replies while scrambling to get off the couch, "and if you don't believe me that's your own problem. You should know by now that I don't lie or keep secrets from you."

[Y/N] doesn't bother looking back at him as she crosses the room to the door which she yanks open revealing the very man they've been talking about. As soon as their eyes connect he barrels towards her and sweeps her up into a bear hug, a hearty laugh escaping him.

"I'll be damned! You're still so short [Y/N/N], and you still look like a baby." He states excitedly while swinging her back and forth.

"And you're still a huge rib crushing ape. Now put me down you big oaf!" [Y/N] cries out with a laugh. [Y/B/N] obeys and sets you back down onto the ground but keeps a loose arm draped around your shoulders.

"Ah, this must be the strapping young man that's won your heart." He booms as Happy steps wearily around the corner to get a better view, "what'd ya have to do [Y/N]? Drink him under the table or beat in a fist fight with one hand tied behind your back?"

"Would you believe me if I told you all I had to do was simply smile at him?" [Y/N] replies with a soft smile as she looks over at Happy.

"It's true." Happy states as he walks over to where they're standing and sticking his hand out for the large man to shake, "it's an honor to finally meet you, I have no idea why it has taken this long in the first place."

"Well that would be my fault ya see, I've been enlisted in the Marines for years now and I've kind of fallen out of touch." [Y/B/N] replies while clasping Happy's hand and shaking it, "but with the free time I've been allotted I reached out."

"Why don't you come on in and I'll head to the kitchen and start cooking." [Y/N] states as she pulls away from the two men in order to head to the kitchen. Once she's safely inside and out of view she falls heavily against the counter trying hard to keep herself whole. One one hand she has a family member she hasn't seen in a while and on the other she has an angry lover who claims she's cheating.

The creaking of the floorboards behind her startles her and she grabs the butcher knife in front of her and spins around. Her eyes fly wide and her heart hammers against her chest ready to fight only to find that its Happy now holding his hands up in defeat.

"Easy there tiger, it's just me." He mumbles softly as he inches forward and pries the knife from her hand.

"Goddamnit Happy don't do that!" She whispers harshly as he cups her cheek with his feet hand.

"I'm sorry for sneaking up on you and i'm sorry for accusing you of cheating on me. I know you'd never do that." He replies softly as he dips his head down to brush his lips gently against hers.

"You're forgiven," [Y/N] says as she leans up closing the gap between them as they fall into a passionate and fiery kiss until they're forced to pull away from each other. "But you owe me big time Hap, that is if you know what I mean."

"Loud and clear little girl." He replies before pulling away in order to go and entertain her brother.

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