Old Lady [Happy Lowman]

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Happy's hand brushes against [Y/N]'s ever so gently letting her know that he was standing beside her. In a slow manner she runs her fingers along Happy's arm until she reaches his elbow where she applies a firm pressure.

"Ready?" Happy questions as he unlocks and opens the front door with his free hand.

[Y/N] sucks in a deep breath and nods her head, "Yeah, are you sure they'll like me Hap? I mean, i'm not like everyone else."

Very gently Happy places his free hand on her cheek in a comforting manner before replying, "If they don't that's a loss for them, you're absolutely perfect."

A smile breaks out across [Y/N]'s face as Happy begins to lead her out of the house and down to the car. Just as they bear the car Happy remembers the step down and comes to a stop so that he can alert her.

"Baby there's a step coming up, I'll let you know when to step down." Happy mumbles as he steps down off of the sidewalk, his movement urges her forward to the edge, "step down. The car is pointing north."

"Thank you." She states as Happy continues to lead her to the car. Happy stops right in front of the door and pries her hand from his arm, he then places her hand on the door handle. He then takes her other hand and places it on the top corner of the door. Cautiously she pulls on the handle and the door swings open, with her left hand she feels around for the roof and carefully climbs in.

After she's seated she pulls on her seatbelt and Happy closes the door behind her before making his way to the drivers side. The car rumbles to life and music drifts out of the speakers as the air conditioner kicks on bathing them in cool air. Happy backs out of the driveway before heading over to Gemma's for one of her classic family dinners. On the ride over [Y/N] fiddles with her collapsible cane hoping that everything would go smoothly with meeting the club members.

"Stop fidgeting [Y/N], they will love you." Happy mumbles as he turns off the road and into the driveway. He stops the car, climbs out and hurries over to the passenger side. [Y/N] opens the door and searches for Happy who meets her halfway, she eases out of the car and firmly grips his arm like before.

"Is the house surrounded by flowed?" [Y/N] questions as Happy begins to lead her up a small walkway.

"Yes, there are lots of flowers." Happy replies as they near the front porch, "there is one step up, are you ready?"

"Ready." She replies before taking a step up and coming to a stop behind Happy as he knocks on the door. [Y/N] can hear the door open and laughter spill forth from the house causing a smile to break out across her face.

"Happy! You finally made, I see you brought your plus one as well." Someone says from in front of Happy.

He gently pulls [Y/N] into view before introducing her, "Gemma this is [Y/N], and vice versa."

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you and to have you over for dinner, I've arranged the table so that Happy will be sitting beside you." Gemma replies softly as Happy leads her through the door and towards the dining room. As they enter the dining room the laughter dies down slowly as they enter the room.

"Guys, I'd like to introduce you to [Y/N], my Old Lady." Happy states proudly, now [Y/N] can't see the people in the room but she could feel the energy. The room was alive with so much energy that it was unreal and it was all good energy.

"Well, it's about damn time we meet her!" Someone from her left cheers loudly.

"Come on darlin let's get you situated." Gemma murmurs in her left ear as she brushes against her arm softly to let her know she's there.

"Thank you." [Y/N] replies as she lets go of Happy's arm and takes Gemma's. The night progresses on with no problems and she gets to know everyone and enjoys everyone's company. She didn't even get mad when she had to beat off Juice and his drunk questions in regards to her blindness.

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