Come Home [Tig Trager]

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All [Y/N] ever wanted in life was a healthy relationship, kids and a home with all of the fixings. Well she got the house with the fixings and a beautiful baby girl, but the healthy and steady relationship she wants? He's currently balls deep in some crow eater, in their bed, in their home.

"I'm gonna grab the kids and wait in the car [Y/N]." Tara mumbles as [Y/N] leans heavily against the door, hand on hip trying hard to control her anger. Tig rolls out of the bed, dick flopping in the wind as the crow eater scrambles to get her clothes and disappear into the bathroom.

"B-baby, it's not what it looks like." Tig states as he takes a slow and shaky step towards [Y/N].

She scoffs loudly before forcing the bedroom door roughly against the wall sending pictures clattering to the floor. Her [e/c] eyes bore into his and just from the look on her face alone Tig knows he's fucked up bad.

"The fact that you can stand there and say that greatly amuses me." [Y/N] states with a small laugh, "considering I just found you fucking a crow in our bed."

"What do you want me to say?" Tig questions, his entire demeanor shifting from remorse to something [Y/N] can't quite figure out.

She steps forward as a frown settles in on her face, "Excuse me?"

"You're always busy or too damn tired and a man has needs and sometimes those needs involve pussy." Tig replies and before [Y/N] can stop herself she lashes out at him. She smacks him hard across the face before yanking off the wedding band she's wearing and letting it fall to the floor.

"If you like pussy so much then keep her ass, i'm done Tig." [Y/N] states sharply before walking out of the bedroom and the house as tears begin to well up. She climbs into the passenger seat of Tara's car avoiding her glances, wanting to forget about what just happened.

Tara respects the silence until soft babbling starts up in the backseat between [Y/D/N] and Abel. [Y/N] glances over her left shoulder and laughs softly at the two sharing snacks and smiles as tears stream down her cheeks.

"You can stay with us for as long as you need." Tara whispers softly before patting her knee.

"Thank you." [Y/N] replies softly before turning her attention to the road in front of them. Days, weeks and finally months pass and [Y/N] hasn't heard or seen-she's tried her damnedest to avoid him-Tig.

She eventually picks herself up and puts herself back together enough so that she can be strong for her daughter. After a while she finally decides to go out with a work friend for a day out on the town hoping to get her daughter familiar with the man. The outing is going absolutely fantastic and [Y/D/N] is getting along with her friend, but she can't help but miss Tig.

With her daughters hand clutched tightly in hers the three of them cross the street to the diner. But as soon as they reach the other sidewalk and turn the corner they run into the man she has started to miss.

"Daddy!" [Y/D/N] cries out and breaks free in order to run to Tig. Tig kneels down and scoops her up into his arms before wrapping her in a bear hug.

"Hey baby, daddy has missed you so much!" Tig sings happily as he looks over at [Y/N].

[Y/N] turns to her friend, "why don't you head on in, we'll be in shortly."

"Yeah, okay." He replies and disappears into the diner as Tig walks up to where she is standing.

"[Y/N], I am so sorry." Tig mumbles while stroking [Y/D/N] hair as she plays in his, "I was angry and confused and took it out on you and our princess. I had no right to lash out at you, nor break our vows or your trust."

"Tig," She mutters softly as tears once more spring to her eyes.

"Please come home baby." Tig says as he places a hand gently on her cheek, brushing a few stray tears away, "please."

"Fine, but if you ever, ever pull that mess again we're gone for good." [Y/N] replies as [Y/D/N] turns to look at her.

"Why are your crying mommy?" [Y/D/N] questions as her tiny fingers dig into Tig's curls.

A smile dances its way to her face as she gently untangles her fingers, "Mommy is just really happy baby, now let's get you something to eat."

Tig smiles softly himself before taking one of [Y/N]'s hands and leading the two of them to the clubs ice cream parlor. [Y/N] makes a mental note to apologize to her work friend the next time she sees him, but for now she wants to be with her husband.

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