Cookie Monster [Jax Teller]

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Day Six of my Annual 25 Days of SOA
It wasn't supposed to be an all day affair, but the moment Abel mentioned class christmas party and cookies [Y/N] couldn't resist pulling out her cookbooks. For the longest time she went back and forth between snickerdoodle, sugar cookies, original chocolate chip and oatmeal raisin. In the end though, after nearly cleaning out an entire baking aisle she decides to just make a dozen of each. That morning she kisses Abel goodbye and sends him off to school, kisses Jax goodbye and sends him off to work and then she gets to work herself. By the time the snickerdoodle cookies are done the kitchen is in shambles but she doesn't let that stop her, no she breaks out her multitasking duties. So while the sugar cookies are baking in the oven she begins cleaning up while also preparing the rest of the cookies.

While running around like a madwoman she never once hears Jax pull up outside, nor does she hear him and several other sons come trekking into the house. The moment she rounds the corner to the kitchen the laundry basket she's holding in her arms slips from her grasp onto the floor.

"Step away from the cookies and no one gets hurt." [Y/N] mutters low enough for everyone to hear, but it can still be taken as a threat. She can visibly see some of the boys freeze up, cookies coming to a halt in mid air close to their mouths while a few of the others quickly return the morsels to the tupperware containers.

"You've been busy today baby," Jax states as he slinks into the kitchen, blonde hair billowing behind him with a cheery grin on his face.

"Abel's request, just couldn't decide on which cookies to go with so I may have went a bit overboard." she replies, her [e/c] eyes gliding from the backs of his brothers over to Jax, "on a normal basis I wouldn't care, but seeing how this is one of the first parties I can cater to on behalf of Abel, don't touch any of them."

"Yes ma'am." Came a chorus of voices from inside of the kitchen as several of the guys try desperately to flee in order to avoid her wrath if it were to come forth. But of course two particular guys hang back (Juice and Opie), with bright eyed smiles plastered on their faces and a hint of puppy dog eyes showing through.

"[Y/N/N], I know you've made all of these delicious looking cookies for Abel, but can't we just have one?" Juice questions as he clasps his hands together in front of his chest. [Y/N] narrows her eyes at Juice who knows already that he's got her on the hook and that she'll cave at any moment. Out of the corner of her eye she can see Jax leaning against the counter munching away on a cookie obviously entertained with the predicament in front of him.

"Juice, no." she replies determined to stand her ground, but then Opie steps forward with the sweetest smile he can muster and lays the puppy dog eyes on really hard, [Y/N] folds. "One a piece and you might as well grab the others one as well."

Juice pumps his fist into the air and makes a beeline for the sugarcookies on the counter cooking while Opie pounces on the snickerdoodles. The two men flee the room and all [Y/N] can do is turn towards Jax, cock an eyebrow at him and place her hands on her hips while shaking her head no.

"What?" Jax questions as he pushes himself off of the counter and saunters over to where she's standing with that same grin plastered on his face.

"I swear they learn from you Jax Teller." she replies as he slinks his arms through hers and wraps them tightly around her waist pulling her forward and into his chest.

"They only know some of your weaknesses, not all." Jax states in a low voice the grin transitioning to a devilish smirk, "can't have them knowing how to make you sing just right now can I?"

[Y/N] clears her throat as her cheeks heat up while her mind races to find something, anything to quip back at him but she comes up short, "go, behave and stay away from the cookies."

Jax presses a chaste kiss on her forehead before stepping away from her and out of the kitchen, but comes back with one final request, "save some of the oatmeal raisin please."

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