A Trade (Of Sorts) [Opie Winston]

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Even though his phone is halfway across the garage and he's currently under a car the moment the notification goes off he freezes. His mind wanders a bit wondering what her snap will be today, work related, lunch, random. Jax notices his pause and looks down through a gap by the motor to find Opie glassy eyed holding the wiring.

"Yo, you good bro?" Jax questions as he kicks the creeper that Opie is lying on. The sudden jarring jerks him back to reality and he continues to feed the wires up to Jax who happily grabs them.

"Sorry man, don't know what came over me." Opie replies as Jax begins to arrange the wires in a specific order.

"It's all good, does it have anything to do with that hottie with a body you've been snappin?" Jax asks as yet another notification goes off on Opies phone, "gotta be."

"Don't know what you're talking about brother." Opie replies as he rolls out from under the car. He doesn't meet Jax's gaze as he stands up and moves over to the toolbox.

"Right, just push up on that thing man. I'm sure she won't say no." Jax states with a light laugh, "be stupid if she does."

Opie sighs deeply knowing Jax won't let up and makes a mental note to never mention a potential love interest to him ever again. They finish up the job before closing and decide to end the day with a beer in the clubhouse. As he nurses his half empty beer Opie casually flips through [Y/N]'s snap story. Today's snaps though nearly have him drooling in front of god and everybody, today she was trying on bikinis.

"Damn son, are you hitting that?" Tig exclaims loudly while clapping Opie on the shoulder, "cause if not daddy needs a hookup."

"Back off man." Opie snaps at a Tig who backs off with hands up on defense.

"Easy Ope, was just messing with ya man." Tig states before shaking his head and walking off. Opie grumbles under his breath before taking the plunge and pulling up the messaging option.


Opie hits the send button and waits patiently for a reply which comes back a little faster than he anticipated.

Hey there, was hoping I'd eventually hear from you.-[Y/N]


"I'll see you tomorrow guys." Opie says out loud while waving in the general direction of where the other guys are sitting. He stuffs his phone in his pocket before heading outside to his bike where he climbs on and hurries home. The moment he steps through the the door he sneaks into his kids rooms, kisses them on the head and then retires to his own room. As soon as the bedroom door is shut he whips out his phone to see if she's replied and she has.

Of course silly, I've seen you around.-[Y/N]

You're from Charming?-Opie

I work in Charming, but live just on the outskirts.-[Y/N]

That's cool, you looked very nice in your snaps today.-Opie

Thank you.-[Y/N]

Their back and forth conversations happen for a few more weeks before Opie is even comfortable enough to take it up a notch. He was feeling brave enough to jump on the latest trend, asking for nudes.

Can I ask you something?-Opie

By now you can pretty much ask me anything Opie.-[Y/N]

It's truthfully more of a thing versus a question.-Opie

Okay... What is it?-[Y/N]

Well, I was wondering if maybe you'd be up to sending me some nudes?-Opie

Dead silent for what felt like eternity, Opie went to work, went on runs and did his normal thing. In the back of his mind he's beating himself senseless for trying to pressure her into doing something she isn't even remotely comfortable doing.



Sorry about the other day. I don't want to pressure you into anything.-Opie

It's not that I don't want to share them with you, it's more of a personal waiting game. Don't want something good to fizzle out once you have the goods.-[Y/N]

Something good?-Opie

Yeah, I like what we have going on here.-[Y/N]

Same, not to be pushy but if you're up for it the clubs having a party later this week. You're more than welcome to come.-Opie

I'll think about it.-[Y/N]

The party comes and goes leaving Opie empty handed and alone once more. His attitude goes from semi tolerable to down right repulsive making things difficult for him at the garage. Jax takes a notice as well as the other guys but none of them have the courage to say anything. Opies luck takes a turn for the better a couple of weeks later when Half-Sack pulls into the garage with a car on the rollback.

As he approaches the truck to speak with Half-Sack he doesn't realize exactly who is sitting in the passenger seat. The moment that she sees him her cheeks become heated as a bright red color settles on them.

"What ya got Sack?" Opie asks as Half-Sack meets him halfway.

"Car broke down not too far outside of town, mentioned being friends with one you guys." Half-Sack replies as he jerks his thumb over his shoulder towards the passenger side. Opie looks up and over to where he's pointing and nearly drops the clipboard Half-Sack just handed him.

"I got this," Opie states as he turns from his friend and makes a beeline over to the passenger side, "I'll be damned."

[Y/N] watches as he comes around, climbs up the steps and opens the door looking her dead in the face. The two sit in each other's presence silently for a few moments both trying to muster up the nerve to speak.

"Opie, I'm sorry for going radio silent." [Y/N] finally states as he slumps against the door, her voice like a soothing rain, "I've just been hurt so many times before."

"I'd never..." Opie states his voice a little too loud, but he catches himself, "I'd never do anything to hurt you [Y/N], I just, I'm trying to make this work."

"Fair enough and I'd love to make this work, that is if you still want to." [Y/N] replies with a soft smile.

Opie returns the smile before pointing at her car on the rollback, "What happened?"

"I'm good at my job Ope which deals with numbers, cars are a little out of my league." She replies with a soft laugh that makes his heart skip a little.

"Fair, what do you say we get it down from there and take a look at it. Maybe, negotiate a price?" Opie asks in a low manner in an attempt to joke with her.

"Opie, I'm willing to give you the entire nude album at this point for just fixing my car." [Y/N] states with a small smirk, "but, for you and you alone you get the whole package."

"I can work with that." Opie replies as he climbs down from the truck with [Y/N] in tow. Unbeknownst to the two of them Jax and the rest of the Sons were watching everything go down at the truck. After seeing Opie wearing a smile they all let out a loud sigh and scramble to make themselves look busy.

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