No Means No [Everyone]

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Clipboard in hand [Y/N] quickly jots down the VIN number of the car and the needed car part before turning to the owner. As she gets ready to inform him that his car would be ready in a couple of days a pair of firm hands land on her hips startling her. From the corner of her eye she realizes that the individual is Tig who of course is wearing a huge ass grin.

[Y/N] clears her throat and swats his hands away before pushing forward with the transaction, "Yes sir, your car will be ready in a day or two and when it's done we'll give you a ring."

"Thanks." The guy replies before quickly walking off obviously wanting to get as far away as he can. [Y/N] narrows her eyes and spins around smacking Tig with the clipboard.

"Really Tig? In front of a customer?" She questions as Tig only laughs and makes a kissy face at her and in return she flips him off and hurries back to the office.

Over the next couple of days [Y/N] swears karma is out to get her, she hits a deer and her house was broken into. Begrudgingly she calls on her friend Jax who happily gives her a ride to the garage in order for her to work. Gemma who has all seeing eyes of course notices the interactions between her son and [Y/N] and decides to use the situation to her advantage.

While [Y/N] is filing away some old receipts Gemma sneaks into the office and closes the door behind her. The sudden closing of the door spooks [Y/N] causing her to jump and whirl around ready to fight her way out if needed.

"Jesus Gemma! Give me a damn heart attack." She states while clutching her chest. Gemma only laughs lightly in return and takes a seat on the couch directly across from [Y/N].

"[Y/N], just out of curiosity are you and Jax, ya know messing around?" Gemma questions, her eyes studying [Y/N]'s face looking for a tell.

[Y/N] lets out a heavy sigh and closes the filing cabinet drawer before replying, "Gem, as much as I love you and Jax-who is good looking, I'm not gonna lie. He's just not my type and I don't see a relationship coming from our friendship."

Gemma nods ever so slightly as Tig comes bounding into the office with a knowing look on his face. [Y/N] throws her hands up into the air before stalking over to the door which she yanks open.

"Tig, go on now! I see your favorite crow eater walking across the parking lot." She states while jabbing her finger in the direction of the club, "go!"

Tig grumbles lowly but takes off across the parking lot after the crow eater leaving the two women alone once more. To her surprise Gemma drops the conversation and doesn't mention Jax at all to her over the next few days. Unfortunately it doesn't stop the onslaught of advances from the boys including Bobby and Juice who surprise her with baked goods and her favorite smoothie. It eventually gets to the point where she has to fend off some of unpatched members like Lowell.

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