Over It [Happy Lowman]

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The sudden shifting of the bed and the cool breeze that washes over [Y/N]'s naked body rouses her just enough, "leaving early again?"

"Yeah," Happy mumbles as he pulls his pants up before scouring the floor for his discarded shirt, "don't want to be late."

Her fists knot into the sheet draped around her as her [e/c] eyes bore into his back, "is it too much to ask for one lazy day in bed? Or am I just a hit it and quit type of girl?"

Happy freezes in place as her words blanket him, "I don't have time for this [Y/N]."

In a huff she tosses the sheet away from her as before fumbling around on the floor for her shirt, "then fuck it all Hap, no need to keep coming back because the buffet is closed."

He doesn't say anything while moving past her in a whirlwind obviously not wanting to fight. [Y/N] follows after him and stops short at the front door as he pulls on his kutte. As he goes to open the door he stops and turns back to look at her, her arms are crossed over her chest and eyes a blaze.

"I'll call you later." Happy states before leaving the house and her, alone.

"I'm over it Happy, just so fucking over it!" [Y/N] screams at the top of her lungs as tears begin to prick angrily at her eyes.

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